As most of our card printing customers are entrepreneurs, we've decided to put together a list of what we're reading here at the office. Here’s what we’re reading this week at Plastic Printers!
10 Things to Do Every Workday—With our busy schedules and an ever evolving list of issues that can come up during the day, it’s can be difficult to do the tasks necessary to grow your business and the development of your employees—not to mention your own skills. That’s why this quick LinkedIn post by J.T. O’Donnell is so important. By laying out this quick list of 10 easily digestible actions you can take to connect with your network, your employees, and your customers, you’ll be able to set up the daily care you need to maintain the forward momentum your business needs.
8 Things You Should Not Do Every Day—On the flipside, there are certain things we have to remind ourselves not to do in the office. Counter-productive tasks like excessive multitasking and overanalyzing situations can achieve much less than they accomplish. Author Jeff Haden’s list for Inc. Magazine details eight reminders on how to cut through the daily clutter and re-focus yourself to make decisions that reduce stress during the day and help clarify what you want to accomplish.
Sales Vs. Marketing: The Original Game of Thrones—If it feels like the relationship between your sales and marketing departments resembles a medieval power struggle of epic proportions, you might not be that far off. Without the right kind of communication and cooperation, misunderstandings can develop into battles for recognition. This quick SlideShare presentation from marketing automation company Pardot is a perfect summary of what makes each department different, how the two can sometimes clash, and how you can bring the two together to grow your business.
What are you reading this week? Let us know in the comments!