Summer is the perfect time to discover new places. Whether your destination leads you to explore local attractions or expand your travel horizons; the Plastic Printers template of the week can help you stay informed no matter where you go.
Getting Over Culture Shock
Seeing someplace new is thrilling, but it can also be stressful and slightly disorienting. The only familiar things you usually have with you are a few portable items and your luggage. You may be eager to explore from the start, or you may be unsure of where to begin. Either way; the city tours informational luggage tag is something no traveler should be without.
Consider this little piece of plastic your mini guide to your destination. Local businesses can use these tags to advertise their services and give you a taste of the locale by including information on their favorite hotspot. How does all of this fit on a tag or business card? Our free template download is large enough that you can include a QR (Quick Response) code on the back. It’s the perfect place to put those incentives and exclusives.
Best of all, the city tours informational luggage tag has one advantage your competitors do not, the value of:
Hiding in Plain Sight
Every luggage holder needs tags. Have you ever stood at the airport ticket counter and simply counted how many passengers take advantage of the airline’s complimentary luggage tags? It’s the perfect opportunity to provide a service while advertising your own.
People love information they can literally use. According to the latest marketing statistics, 88% of customers remember a promotional item that has a secondary function. The city tours informational luggage tag is a perfect example.
A potential customer visits an unfamiliar city. They need the vital contact information for the hotel they are staying at, the local eateries by the hotel, or the contact information for a conference they are attending. Moreover, they need that information to stay accessible for the duration of their trip. They need it in a format that they can replace easily if it gets lost.

The city tours informational luggage tag provides the answer to all of these needs. Use pictures of a local landmark for the front. Provide all of the vital contact info for the hotel or conference on the back and use the QR Code to connect recipients with the resources they need during their stay (map out eateries, events, taxi services, local activities, etc.). The card is as durable as it is replaceable.
It’s easy to get started. Visit our website www.plasticprinters.com to download your free template. From there, you can customize it and print out all of the tags that you need. Try a few different designs and styles. When you settle on the one you like, test it out. You can always contact us for help with your design concept. Printing on plastic is our specialty.
Wherever this summer takes you; use our city tours informational luggage tag to highlight what makes your city great!