What’s America’s favorite weekend pastime? No, it’s not baseball; it’s dining out. According to statistics, at least 30% of the population enjoys one restaurant-style meal per week. Yes, even in a fluctuating economy, Americans like to go out to eat.
At Plastic Printers, we figure that translates to a match made in Heaven. Customers can reap the rewards that come from our Fancy Restaurant Discount Card. And you-the business owner-can reap the rewards of revenue and customer retention. That’s why; this discount card is the subject of our template of the week.
When Opportunity Knocks…
You know what they say about opportunity; it only knocks once. Well, in that case, the Fancy Restaurant Discount Card is the exception that makes the rule. It keeps customers, and therefore opportunity, coming back.
The key to customer retention is incentives. It’s another way to look at the giver’s gain principle. If you give a customer rewards for their business, chances are good that you’ll get repeat business from that customer. Not only that, they’ll spread the word about your business to others. You can’t pay for that kind of promotion, so make sure their experience is worth talking about.
It’s estimated that 1 person will tell 10 people about a positive experience, but they will tell up to 20+ people about a negative one. You can chalk it up to the old adage, misery loves company, but we both know it’s more than that. People will safeguard each other from bad experiences. Think about it, if a trustworthy person from your circle of friends recommended a store or restaurant, would you be more or less likely to try it? Now, imagine the added incentive of a Fancy Restaurant Discount Card. How likely would you be to try it out then?
Don’t Miss the Boat
There are a few reasons promotions like:
- Loyalty cards
- Discount cards
- Membership cards
- All-Access passes
Are a really great idea.
Reason #1: They track customer info. Plastic cards like these are a better idea than paper coupons or in-store discounts because it’s less for you to manually keep track of. You can simply scan the card and find out if your customer has earned a free meal or discount. You can even see how frequently they visit, what their favorite menu items are, and automatically send them a birthday reminder.
Reason #2: You can attract the mobile market. Simply add a QR Code on the back and you can catch customers’ in-store and on-the-go.
Download your free template on our website: www.plasticprinters.com to take advantage of this incentive right away. Contact us when you’re ready and we can design a card that reflects your brand.