The sun is shining, it's getting warmer outside, and the snow has finally melted... you know what that means, spring has sprung! And because the weather is getting so nice, many households are starting to take care of what most fondly call "Spring Cleaning". The weather change creates a great boost of motivation and excitement for what's to come in the next few months.
So alongside your "Spring Cleaning" enthusiasm, as an entrepreneur, why not aim that extra bounce of energy and can-do attitude toward your business? Marketing is an important step in keeping your business relevant, so we've got some great ideas that Plastic Printers can help you achieve with just a simple phone call!
Weddings, birthdays, VIP parties, and more. We offer plenty of options to create the perfect invitation card for your next special event.
While printing on plastic doesn't typically bring to mind invitations for your big event, that's exactly the reason why you should consider it the next time you want to get the word out about your upcoming gathering or open-house.
Just the fact that it is printed on plastic will draw attention, your customers or guests will see that the event is important to you. That it is important enough to take the extra effort to do something different and create a plastic invitation. Add our special foil-stamp printing, UV coating for extra durability, and more to give your cards an upscale look that won't break the bank! Brides-to-be love this option as well as customers hosting a VIP party.
Let us help you create a plastic invitation for your next big event!
Business Cards
Business cards are an integral part of offline marketing. Many times, it is your first impression, and the only impression you can make on them until they choose to make contact again. You want it to make a big impact so that the next time they think about needing a service or product you provide, it's your business that comes to mind first.
Plastic Printers is an expert in business card printing, just take a look at our extensive history. We've been printing on plastic since 1996, so it's no surprise that we are considered one of the premier spots to print your cards. Just let one of our card experts speak with you on a free consultation and you'll see just how easy printing with us can be!
Hanger Cards
If you've been thinking about starting a gift card program at your business, getting hanger gift cards printed may be the way to go. Hanger gift cards are a great way to easily display your new cards to your customers in high-traffic areas -- near the cash register, at return & customer help counters, and because gift cards have no value added to them until they are brought to the register, even in high-traffic areas that don't necessarily have a lot of footprint by your staff.
We've got tons of options for you to start your new program like encoding magnetic stripes and barcodes to your new cards. Hanger cards look really nice and have a bit of extra real-estate for you to display your logo, information, even an area for your customers to write a "To" and "From", which is extremely convenient.
Get a free consultation with our card experts to start your new gift card or loyalty program today!
Key Tags
So you own a business and want to offer some sort of loyalty program? Or perhaps you own a gym or studio where you want keytag access for your customers? Even if you have little or no experience, it's easy to get started with our experts at Plastic Printers. We can help guide you in whatever direction you need, and make an "Oh-No" project turn into a "Heck-Yeah!" project!
Plastic Key Tags are a great way to get your branding on key rings all around your city, while giving your customers an incentive to keep them on there. Discount programs, loyalty programs, gift card or re-loadable cards are all great ways to get a great ROI when you invest in key tags.'
Card Accessories
Let's say you already have a gift card program in place at your business and you aren't interested in offering hanger cards... your customers are looking for an all-in-one-stop shop for their gift card needs. Consider printing some card accessories for your loyalty cards, discount cards, and gift cards. We offer full-service printing for gift card envelopes, sleeves, and backers so that your customers can feel confident when giving that plastic card to their loved ones.
If you card doesn't have a complete look, your customers are less likely to buy it! With such a low additional program cost, how can you overlook the fact that with card accessories your sales are proven to increase by a whopping 68%!
Don't let your cards go naked again!
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