For this Plastic Printers feature of the week, we’re playing games. What do games have to do with business cards? Trust us; there’s a method to our madness. We’ve talked a lot about pocket-sized promotion and Quick Response (QR) Codes on this blog. Now, it’s time to put the two tools together in a fun, and interactive way.
On the Hunt for New Business
Consumer culture has changed and it’s no secret that your marketing strategy has to change with it. What’s the best way to evolve? Make your campaign interactive. The all access pass ID badge presents the perfect opportunity to do just that.
Your first step is to come up with 6 to 10 written clues. Depending on your theme, you can base those clues on:
What you want to do is create a trail of promotional bread crumbs that lead new customers to your brand or business. The clues should build on one another leading the teams to a final destination.
Your next step is to take those clues online. No, don’t publish the clues. Make a quick 6 to 10 page website using a plug-and-play format like This should take about 10 minutes to do.
Now, practice your technical shorthand. You need to shorten the web addresses for each page so they can be converted to QR Codes. What’s the easiest way to do this? Answer: it. Use: to shorten your URL’s.
Once your shorthand is done and your list is shortened, click on the details tab and double check your work. You should be able to see your web pages converted into QR Codes. Export the images to a word document.
Lastly, it’s time to print and copy. Your materials at-the-ready; pick a delivery style. This is where you get to have fun setting the parameters. Some scavenger hunts are set up in a particular location; others are spread out across the city. The size of the search depends on your reward. That’s where the all access pass I.D. badge comes in.
Hitting Rewind
Let’s back up a moment. One of the most coveted items in the entertainment industry is the all access pass. You can use that mystique to market your business or event for free!
Plastic printers has given you “all access” to the ID badge template for free. You can download it, customize it, add a QR Code, and in a snap you have your scavenger hunt grand prize. Hide these passes in the destination venue or have a representative hand the prize to the first 3 teams to cross the finish line. How you do it is up to you, just make sure the QR Code on the badge leads recipients to an exclusive promotional package on your company’s website. This gives you instant brand recognition that can lead to loyalty.
Tip: Create buzz for your “hunt” on your website to get interest brewing beforehand.
Tip: Limit the size and number of teams that can enter the scavenger hunt so you know how many passes and/or clues to make ahead of time.
Tip: Make sure that each team has at least two phones available that are equipped with a scanner app to read QR Codes.
The all access pass I.D. badge template is versatile. It can be used at:
- Concerts
- Festivals
- Community events
- Conventions
The templates are available online at: there’s a captive, willing audience; Plastic Printers can collaborate with you to help you reach a new customer base. Try a scavenger hunt as a promotional experiment. If the experiment produces results, contact Plastic Printers to find out more about how our cards can help you succeed.