Trade shows can be extremely helpful for marketing your business IF you prepare properly and understand how to effectively use your time there and make sure that everything goes smoothly. Eric Blair, a trade show coordinator, wrote on some tips and ideas to really get the most out of your next event.

  1. Make it or break it with the booth: Your booth is one of the biggest factors in getting people to come over and look at what you have to offer. Most booths are 10 x 10, with extra tables available to reserve depending on the trade show. Make sure that your items arrive early so you have plenty of time to set up. Keep the display simple and straightforward so that it doesn't confuse trade-show-goers. Make sure you have lots of color and designs to catch the eye of passerbys to draw them in.
  2. Giveaways!: Giving away free samples is one of the best ways you can market yourself at trade shows. Everybody loves a good bargain, and when that bargain is free people jump on it! It can be anything, from small to large, flash lights and keychains to shirts and hats. Just make sure that your company logo and contact information or website is included on your freebies!
  3. Business Cards: Of course business cards are absolutely essential in the marketing process at trade shows. Handing out business cards at trade shows have been known to pay dividends for years to come, and if you've got a truly unique business card, it's much more likely that it will stay in wallets, on bulletin boards, and more.

If you've got plastic business cards it's very possible to include both your giveaways and business cards together! Having a unique card that is also interactive like our mustache business card can truly go a long way when at trade shows. Create a contest where people can tweet out pictures of them using your card and at the end of the show, give out a prize. There are never-ending possibilities!

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