Platinum Business Cards for The SeaBabies

So you've got a business card. What do you do with it? Do you only hand it out when you meet a business partner? There are so many ways that you can transform a business card into a magic marketing billboard for your business yet most entrepreneurs and business owners don't utilize it that way.

Rieva Lesonsky on lays out a few details on how to stop using your business cards as just business cards and start using them as a real marketing tool.

  1. Make them Memorable: Have a design that really stands out from the crowd. The color choices you make will really affect how people will perceive your business, so make sure a lot of thought goes into it! If you're not graphically savvy, it is highly recommended that you seek professional help with either a graphic design company, or let us help you with our team of talented designers!
  2. Keep it Simple: After all, the purpose of a business card is to get people to contact you. Keep in mind the most direct ways to contact you; telephone number, email address, mailing address, website. Those should always be included, but don't try to clutter your card with tons of numbers or email addresses that they can use. Make it simple and easy for people to get a hold of you--after all, that's what a business card is for, right?
  3. Share them: Not just at business meetings, get them out where people can see them. Include them on invoices or bills, put them in public places like leave them at your table when you leave a restaurant. You can even give someone two cards (or even more)! One for them and another to give away to someone they know.

These are just a few tips that you can use for getting word out about your business. Creating a buzz is a great way to get great public awareness of who you are and what your company is all about. To read on more ideas you can use, take a look at the link after the jump.

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