Traditionally, when you think of business cards, you think of plain white paper with contact information neatly printed in black. Many companies are upgrading their cards to something much more memorable to help their business stay above the competition. We recently spoke with Erik Sward and Jake Kuiper, the co-founders of Twin Cities Luxury Living, about the experience that they had when ordering their gold foil business cards.
Erik: Twin Cities Luxury Living combines the best in contemporary real estate with corporate experience. Jake and I come from a corporate background, and we want to provide the experience that we get, given the industry, to the same in real estate.
A Look Inside the Business Card Design Process
Erik: The best phrase I would use for Plastic Printers is their commitment to excellence. They provid a first-class experience for the customer.
Jake: Just really a lot of energy behind the idea. It took me a little bit to get behind it myself. I just had never had anything other than cardboard card, so having John recommend this very uniquely-designed card I turned it down the first time that I saw it.
The Reaction to Their Gold Foil Business Cards
Erik: When I hand someone my business card the first response is "Wow!" Twin Cities Luxury Living has, we believe, the best card on the market from the attention to detail that Plastic Printers gave to us.
Jake: As confident as we are in front of our customers and the experience we can provide them, we were really excited and pleased to find a company that has that same level of cockiness and swagger about the way that they conduct their business.
They know they're the best, they are the best, and we encourage you to use the best.