It’s a question that’s as old as the gift card technology itself. How do I get people to buy the gift cards? We all know that gift cards create buyers, who in turn, become repeat customers. But how do we get them to buy the gift cards in the first place? Well, it’s easier than you think.
There are 5 Major Things You Can Do to Increase the Number of Gift Cards You Sell.
1. Display them!
Start by making sure your gift cards are visible in your store. Simple enough, right? But I sell LITERALLY MILLIONS of custom gift cards a year. And when I check in with people, you’d be shocked how many have their gift cards sitting in a box under their counter, just in case people ask for them.

Your cards need to be where people can see them. It's the same idea as keeping “impulse buy” items by the checkout in a convenience store. Huge chain stores KNOW this works, and they use the psychology behind it to sell all kinds of things. For you, let’s make it gift cards.
So, now you have them by the checkout…. But how are you displaying them? Do you have a small pile sitting there, hoping people see them? Maybe the answer is something like a gift card display stand, or a card with a hanging display backer? Then people will see them, and really understand the value of them. Learn more about gift card holders and accessories.
2. Use them for refunds!
When a customer comes into your store with no receipt and returns a product, how do you give them their money back?

Put their money on a gift card! That way they have to spend the money with you. They can’t just take it any place. Running their balance on a gift card also allows you greater insight into how they spend. If you’re using a POS system, you can easily see how often they visit, and get a better idea of how your customers do business. Win/win!
3. Use them for promotions!
How often do you run promotions in your store? A sale. A discount. Free sales tax. Etc.
Well, consider running a gift card promo. If your customer buys $100 in merchandise, they get a free $10 gift card to go with it. That way, you ensure they’ll be back! Maybe give them $20 if they spend $150? Whatever gets them back in the door.

Studies show that it’s significantly more difficult to acquire new customers, than to keep your current customers happy! So give them a reward for shopping, and get them back in the store!
4. Use them as charitable donations!
I’m sure every week someone stops by your store from the Lions Club, a local school, or American Heart Association, etc. And they want you to donate to their fundraiser or raffle. Why not just load a gift card for $50?

Studies have also showed that someone with a gift card is very likely to spend more money than the value on the card. So odds are pretty good that you get them in the door - and make some more money! And like we talked about before, keeping them is way easier than winning them in the first place.
5. Make them pretty!
Have you ever seen a Starbucks gift card? They’re amazing. They’re detailed, textured and gorgeous. They’re amazing to look at.
What AREN’T they? Boring. Make a gift card that people want to have! Here at Plastic Printers, we employ a team of graphic designers that spend their entire day trying to give gift cards that “wow” factor we’re all looking for. Make sure people are excited to buy them, and make them look amazing!

6. Last but not least…..
Make sure you’re getting premium-quality cards, like the cards we make here at Plastic Printers. There are a lot of gift cards floating around in the world, and not all are created equal.

Need help creating your custom gift cards? Call us at Plastic Printers, and we’ll make sure you get the cards you need.