Clear Plastic IVP Business CardsLet's talk business cards. Those little cards that, let's face it lots of people aren't utilizing correctly, can do so much in the world of marketing. Most businesspeople use business cards to give to clients as a quick and easy way to give out their contact information. Of course this is a big part of it, but what if you had a card that guaranteed that call back?

That's where business card marketing comes into play. Cidnee Stephen of Strategies for Success has a few tips and tricks that you can use when coming up with a marketing plan for your business cards.

  1. Always Keep Them On Hand: It's one of the simplest and easiest steps that you can take to make sure your cards are a marketing success! After all, how can you utilize them if you don't have them in your arsenal at all times?
  2. Include Them In All Correspondence: Any time you send out a letter, invoice, or correspondence with your target market it's a good idea to include your business card. You can even include two so that it can be passed around easily!
  3. Direct Them To Your Website: Nowadays everyone is connected to the net what with their phones, tablets, and more. Make sure that you use your business card to direct them to your website. You can even include a special QR code on your card that can be scanned and automatically loads your mobile website.
  4. Put Something Useful On The Back: While having awesome plastic cards is already a great way to keep cards in hands instead of the garbage can, you can also include something great for your customers on the back of your card. For example, a discount, free item or trial, etc for bringing in your card.

There are so many different ways to utilize your cards as amazing marketing tools, these are only a few ideas. If you'd like to read on more of the ideas laid out in this article, take a peek at the original article after the jump!

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