Your business card represents you and your company in every aspect. When you hand your card to someone, that person usually knows nothing or only the basics about you and your business. A poorly designed card can lead to missed contacts and clients. When it is such a simple and affordable fix, why then would you let that card continue to misrepresent your company?
There are many factors to think about when you are creating a great business card -- one that will leave a lasting impression and give you the best first impression possible. Make sure you start with the basics. Include your company name, your slogan or tagline, first and last name, an email address, phone number and mailing address. Your website is also essential. If you've got a lengthy web address, consider using a QR code so that it can be scanned in by a smart phone and automatically display your website. If you do this though, make sure that you have a mobile-friendly website or your users may become frustrated. You can also make these QR codes direct to a special offer or deal that can only be accessed through the code, offering more incentive to hold on to the card!
Your color choices for your business cards are absolutely one of the most important factors to think about. There are many different blogs that talk about how color is associated with mood, but you'll want to do some thinking about what kind of emotion you want your business to reflect. For example pink is associated with femininity, love, nurturing, and caring. Green is growth, freshness, and life. Blue is logic, trust, integrity. Check out this blog post to find out more. Make sure that whatever color scheme you choose is the mood that you want your customers to experience when they see your card.

Art and design is the next big step to creating a great business card. One rule of thumb to think about: clip art is a big no-no in the design world. If you want to utilize a photo or graphic on your card, consider getting a professional photograph of your store, a product you sell or something related to what you sell. You don't want to throw people off when you hand them your card. Use the opportunity to really display what your business is all about in one all-encompassing photo. One glance and they understand immediately what you sell or what kind of services you offer.
What kind of material are you going to print your cards on? Most people automatically think of plain card stock when asked that question, but it's important to take some time to actually think about. Consider you are in a business where people are constantly glancing at your card and immediately shoving it into their pocket. Or perhaps you are in an industry where water is in abundance (say, a pool for example)... think about how your card is going to react to the environment it will be in. Of course plastic cards are water-proof, bend-proof, tear-proof, and are perfect for many situations where your card may get destroyed just because of it's surroundings.
Let us prove to you that plastic trumps the rest by sending you a free sample kit!
If you follow these simple steps you are on your way to business card greatness! If you still need help with your card, we are happy to work with you in a free 30 minute consultation! Contact us for more information!