A great way to get the most bang for your buck is to leave your business card in various local places around town. Megan Totka who guest wrote on the ownernation.us blog wrote a helpful article that details some great ideas where you can leave your business card for a big impact.
Some locations she includes are:
...and many more! You can leave your card virtually anywhere and, rest assured, with a really cool plastic business card the impact on your company will be huge! And of course don't forget to drop your card in the fishbowl at your local restaurants when available. You'll notice just how much it stands out swimming around with all the other plain paper cards in there.
If you'd like to read more great ideas on where you can leave your business cards around town, take a look at the original article below!
Leave us a comment with the creative places that you've left your business card and how it helped your business grow!