2 min read
Aug 19, 2013 10:00:00 AM

Evolution of LogosSo you're thinking of updating your outdated business card to some slick plastic cards? Of course check your information like your name, phone number, email address, website, address, fax number, and other personal information to make sure it's up-to-date, but have you considered taking a look at your logo to see if it needs some updating?

Stephanie Vozza from entrepreneur.com wrote about 5 signs that you need to update your logo. Your logo is so important for the image of your company. The color, design, type, font, and more can really affect how customers and clients view your company.

  1. Your logo doesn't adapt well for web: If your logo was created 10 years ago, chances are it is not optimized for web use but for other uses such as a storefront, stationery, paper business cards, and more. While these are all useful to have, your logo should be web optimized for ease of utilization. Your web optimized logo will also be extremely useful when printed on your new clear plastic business cards!
  2. Your logo doesn't represent your business: As any successful entrepreneur knows, businesses evolve over time. This may ultimately result in your logo misrepresenting what your company does or how you want it to be viewed by others. There are so many ways that a logo can evoke an emotional response, color being the most prominent.
  3. Your logo is too complex: Modern logo design boasts simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! Most logos in this day-and-age have only a few colors, or simply just one color. Take a look at the twitter bird, it has evolved from a multi-colored bird to a single color, profile view of a very simplistic bird. Many large-scale companies are going in the direction of simplicity, giving their logo room to breathe.

These are just a few reasons why you should consider updating your logo when you update your business cards. Here at PlasticPrinters.com we are always here to help. Our team of talented designers can get your logo print-ready and looking slick on your new plastic business cards!

Get your logo checked by our professionals for free with our Artwork Review Tool. Simply click below to upload your logo to us and you'll be on your way to greatness!

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