I wanted to start off this week’s template installment with a timely question: how much time do you spend on social media? Whether you break it down by the day or by the week; current research indicates it’s become an integrated part of both our personal and professional lives.
Falling Short on Social Graces
The actual figures are mixed. It’s estimated that the average person spends at least 1 minute out of every 5 on a social media site. That’s not so bad when you do the math, but the more socially-savvy amongst us are likely to spend 3 to 4 hours a day posting, blogging, tweeting, and re-pinning; to name a few of the popular activities. How much time does it take to actually build a following and see a return on your invested time? Experts recommend at least 20 hours a week.
So unless social media is your part time job, or you’re and wiz at time blocking; if I had to guess, some of us aren’t meeting that minimum. The trouble is if you aren’t feeding your digital presence, you’re missing out one a lucrative opportunity.
People are more likely to find and follow your social chatter than they are to contact you by phone or email. I didn’t believe it until it happened to me. It took one incident for me to understand that people are truly invested in a digital connection. Here’s the challenge: if you don’t have the time to devote to a social presence right away, how can you foster it? At www.plasticprinters.com, we’ve found the solution.
Just “Facebook” Me
Show your social side with our Facebook and Twitter business card designs. These card templates are modeled after your Facebook Profile and Twitter Feed. That way; even when you’re offline you are building a following for your company or brand.
The Facebook and Twitter business card designs are natural conversation starters. They pique a recipient’s curiosity about your page content and create a natural incentive for follow-up on both ends of the interaction. The social ice is already broken. All you have to do is allot 30 to 60 minutes a day reaffirming that connection with new followers. When you think about it, you do the same thing after a local networking event.
Professional courtesy dictates that you follow-up with new business acquaintances within 48 hours. The social media attention span is a little shorter. If you can’t follow up the same day, make social contact within 24 hours. To keep users coming back, post some fresh content a couple of times per week; especially between Monday and Thursday.
A Social Metamorphosis
You may be thinking, “This is all well and good, but how am I going to keep track of all of my new contacts?” That’s where the Facebook and Twitter business card designs come in.

Let your cards be your guide. Thanks to Plastic Printers free template downloads; you can download, customize, and print as many Facebook and Twitter business card designs as you need. Take a set number of business cards with you every day. When you run out, it’s time to wait. Before you leave the office for the day, log in to your Facebook and Twitter accounts to see how many new friend requests and followers you’ve received. Greet each new contact individually before you start the process again.
What happens when you blossom into a genuine social butterfly and you don’t have time to make your own Facebook and Twitter business card designs anymore? Contact us, and we’ll customize your business cards for you.
They’re even perfect for those moments you want to disconnect in order to reconnect. Give this strategy a try and tell us how it worked for you. Leave your comments below.