Social media is a powerful tool if you know how to use it properly. Our Facebook business card template can help you make the introduction, but where you go from there is up to you. The next steps you take are the focus of this installment of Plastic Printers template of the week.
It turns out that the lack of a standard rulebook for these platforms may be costing businesses more than they realize. Social media is an open and unrestricted communication channel to your customer base. The intrinsic value of that relationship is obvious, but the power of instantaneous communication has created some myths that are worth dispelling.
So before we get to the business of how to use social media properly, let's separate the myth from reality.
The myths are dispelled here:
- Despite appearances, social media isn't free.
- Good feedback builds up over time, as do your results and returns.
- These platforms should supplement exemplary customer service, not replace it.
Now, that your expectations are realistic, let's look at the true benefits social media has to offer.
The Cipher for what is Socially Acceptable: 7 Best Practices every Business should "Follow"
Social media is often used as a manipulative tool. Employing it as such actually does your company a disservice. Customers respond more rapidly and beneficially to social authenticity, even from the business culture.
We've put together a list of best practices that will improve your social standing as a company and open better lines of communication with your customers.
Best Practice #1: Be informed, yet empathetic. The number one rule of social media is: you have to use it to benefit from it. That way, you are on-hand to listen and respond to customer complaints and problems sympathetically. Your timely response does not mean that you will secure their business that day, but it does mean they're more likely to use your business in the future.
Best practice #2: Keep feedback at 100%. It is estimated that up to 60% of brand-name businesses don't respond to complaints lodged on social media platforms. Their mistake is your opportunity.
Responding to comments and complaints both publicly and privately makes you a problem-solver. Deleting them just makes you look like the "bad guy." Only delete messages that are profane or bigoted. Do this right, and your customers will respond in kind with respect, loyalty, and promotion of your business in their individual social circles.
Best Practice #3: Don't be afraid to get personal. Remember, social media was not originally designed to sell products; it was designed as a mode of connection to others. Strengthen your relationship with your customers through personal business stories. The product sales will naturally follow.
Best Practice #4: Be authentic. Tying into best practice #3; when you are your most honest self, people are driven to do business with you. Make authenticity part of your brand identity.
Best Practice #5: Find the customer in the haystack. Social media provides the means to reach not only thousands of people, but to effectively reach a specific group of customers. Take advantage of this when advertising.
Best Practice #6: Don't put a price on information. Developing a following on social media depends on the credibility you gained from the users. The credibility translates to attaining an expert status and retaining the loyalty of your customers.
To fast-track the social reaction, give your followers valuable information and give that information away for free. This demonstrates that you value the relationship and are willing to part with what's important to you, but beneficial to them, in order to gain their trust. Trust is what credibility is based on.
Best Practice #7: Be grateful. Make thankfulness an everyday occurrence both online and off. Thank customers, employees, and partners regularly. This habit will keep people coming back to your company.
At Plastic Printers, these best practices go into every business card and template we produce. The Facebook business card is the perfect way to introduce your customers to your new social media business model. It gives them an impression of your business that you can build on once they visit your website.
The Facebook business card is just one social media-themed template that we have available. To review all of your options, please visit our website: Download the desired template for free and start profiting from social media output the way you should.
This model has worked so favorably for our business that we wanted to pass it along to you. Contact us if you need help. Best of luck on the professional social scene!
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