Revel Gift Cards & Loyalty Cards 

Custom Gift Cards & Loyalty Cards designed for Revel POS. 

Our unrivaled dedication to quality, service, speed and cutting-edge designs will help you create a one-of-a-kind product that compliments your branding. All of your gift cards and loyalty cards will be optimized to work with your Revel Point of Sale System.

Revel Gift Cards and Loyalty Cards

The Perfect Gift: Customers!

This lead generating machine is the most cost effective way to get new customers in your door. Let your customers gift YOUR business giving you a warm referral from someone they know and trust. Acquire customers efficiently - 90% of gift cards are used within the first 60 days.

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Clear Gift Card for Soda Rush Retail Shop with Magnetic Stripe

Grow...and look your best doing it

Rewarding your customers can go along way towards retaining customers and growing your company. With a loyalty program, the discounts or specials cultivate relationships which can lead to long-term business, in-depth consumer research and a happy customer. 


Here's a few of the things you get when you work with Plastic Printers

Your gift cards and loyalty cards will be optimized to work with Revel Point of Sale to ensure a seamless transition for setting up and processing your cards.


Our gift cards and loyalty cards are made at our USA headquarters where we control the process from end to end to insure you get your cards when you need them.


Our team of professional graphic designers are experts in the gift card and loyalty card industry and are ready to create a design uniquely yours. 


Our attention to detail, quality materials and craftsmanship all come together to produce only the most reliable gift cards and loyalty cards.


Quantities large and small are welcome!  We're structured to take on any sized project.


Prices to fit any budget! Because we manage all aspects of production under one roof we are able to control costs and pass the savings onto you.

Ready to get started?

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Meet a few of the Gift Cards & Loyalty Cards

Endless Customization Possibilities


Gift Cards and Loyalty Cards for Revel
custom gift card or key tag
gift card printing

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