Elite Gym Membership Key Tags

It may be a little early to start talking about New Year’s resolutions. Then again, if you saw the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade last week; it may not be soon enough.

According to Today Show researchers, the average American eats the caloric equivalent of 7 Big Macs and two large peperoni pizzas during the turkey day celebrations. That estimate does not include all of the holiday treats we’ll eat and parties we'll attend between now and Christmas.

From a statistical standpoint, is it any surprise that more than 46% of us make New Year’s resolutions? The top-ranked undertakings on the list: eat healthy and lose weight. This Plastic Printers template of the week installment can help health-centric businesses prepare for the post-holiday membership crunch.

Health; it’s Habit-Forming

Self-improvement is nothing new. People are naturally goal-oriented and motivated by the thought of change. If that’s true, why do so many of us fail to stick to our yearly determinations?

Surveys have shown that by the end of the first week of January, 25% of the newly-resolved are already out of the running. By week four only 64% remain, and by 6 months in, only about 40% of the original pledgers have stuck it out.

People will tell you that it’s easier to revert to old habits than make new ones. It takes three weeks to turn a new behavior into a habit and only one week of non-compliance to break a habit. By that logic, 71% of resolution makers (the percentage of “resolutionists” who are loyal at the 21 day mark) should never become resolution breakers; a statistic that doesn’t hold true.

So what makes the difference? At Plastic Printers we believe it’s a combination of goal-oriented service and positive reinforcement.

The Other 40%

People have different reasons for doing what they do, but the dogged pursuit of a goal is fueled not only by motivation and determination, but also support and incentives. It just so happens that those are the key ingredients in a competitive loyalty program.

A health-focused business with the right combination of sweat equity and benefits can tap into the other 40%; otherwise known as a long-term customer base.

Clients with a self-improvement goal do better if they find a service provider that:

  • Provides personalized attention
  • Sets challenging, yet realistically achievable goals
  • Reinforces positive behavior
  • Supports and celebrates personal successes
  • Offers incentives as goals are met

Winning with Resolutions

These service areas help a client discover their potential while engaged in an ongoing professional relationship with that service provider. If you were getting this kind of service and it produced personally beneficial results, how loyal and steadfast would you be?

When it comes down to it, that’s what a successful gym membership is all about. A relationship of service is something our company focuses on as well.

We understand it takes:

  • Marketing
  • Service
  • Incentives

To attract and retain a customer base. Retention is where 60% of the profit lies. That’s why we’ve created the perfect promotional tool to help you hit all three goals at once.

Imagine being able to send your client a personalized email or text message of encouragement or taking the time to tell them about a few pre-selected services that accelerate the path to their goals. Feel free to contact us and discuss customizing your loyalty options.Our gym key tags are the perfect all-in-one solution to help increase retention and introduce a loyalty program into your professional structure. You can offer exclusive discounts, promotional items, and big ticket goal-related rewards. These key tags even track member preferences and progress automatically.

Gym key tags come in several template styles and are available on www.plasticprinters.com. Download your favorite card, customize it, and start your pre-resolution holiday campaign today!

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