Marketing in this day and age can be difficult. Your marketing message may be brilliant, but what good is it going to do you if you can't get anyone to hear or see it? Kathleen Davis from entrepreneur.com lays out a few key ideas to get your point across, and includes a great image that explains marketing ideas in a simple and concise infographic.
A few examples she goes over are:
- Show, don't tell: Consumers nowadays are simply too busy and distracted to take the time to read a long, drawn-out paragraph about your company. Make sure you include media in some form (like images, videos, graphics, photos, etc) that will grab the attention of your customers.
- Simple is the Way to Go: Studies show that most people scan articles and content on the internet instead of fully reading it. Make sure you quickly get to the point while keeping the reader engaged.
- Be Personal: Your stories or content is more likely to get a response from readers and consumers if you make it something that they can relate to. We are in the day and age where customers are able to delve into the personal lives of favorite celebrities and companies.
The infographic provided is also extremely informative and contains a ton of great ideas and data you can use to tweak your marketing strategy. Take a look at it and the original article below!
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Read the Original Article | www.entrepreneur.com