Personalized Meta Con Writable ID Badge

The summer months are prime convention season. From comicons to workplace promotions; there’s always a reason for people to congregate at a pre-determined site. Conventions are based on two very basic ideas:

  1. Common interest
  2. Level of interest

Why do these ideas matter? They not only give you a reason for attending a particular event; they determine the level of access you have to that event. That’s where a Convention Pass Access Card from Plastic Printers comes in handy. It’s also a perfect Segway into the template of the week installment.

Going Behind the Scenes

There’s something thrilling about private access.  It’s part of the reason an all access pass was created. The Convention Pass Access Card takes that appeal to a new level.

The draw of an all access pass is that event promoters make a limited amount. You either have to know somebody to get one or pay for the privilege. Convention organizers have expanded that platform. It’s not uncommon to Convention Pass Access Cards that use different colors, designs, or lanyards. The variations are used to signify a person’s level of access. Each level comes with perks, exclusives, and a corresponding fee.

These differentiations appeal to convention-goers because more and more consumers want to feel pampered. When done right this promotional opportunity benefits both your company and the consumer. Your company gets exposure and a chance to highlight what makes it unique; the customer gets rewarded for their investment. All of this leads to brand loyalty.

Recognizing a Mutually Beneficial Partnership

The balance of mutual benefit exists in other partnerships as well. The exchange doesn’t have to be strictly monetary.

By aligning yourself with the right promoters, you can easy and affordably establish your brand. In return, the promoters are able to demonstrate their craft and provide a valuable service. At Plastic Printers, we know a thing or two about mutual benefit.

For 20+ years, our company has been helping other companies promote what makes their brand or business unique. That’s why; we started offering the free template download option.  We want companies in need to see what we’ve been up to. More than that, you can try these templates out for yourself.

Download Your Free Convention Pass Access Card Template!

Whether you have to prepare for a convention on short notice, or you’d like to be able to test out several ideas; our company has a solution for you. Simply download the template(s) you are interested in, customize them and hit print. You can find the template list at

Take some time to test the promotional waters. If you like the results, contact us and we’ll custom design cards just for your company. It’s our job to make your business memorable.

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