When you hand a business card to someone, do they glance and slide it into their pocket or do they actually SEE your business card? You want your business card to stand out as much as possible, and there are a few useful techniques that you can utilize to create the kind of results you are looking for.
Tammi Metzler from Demand Media gives a few helpful tips in her post on Small Business Chron:

- Stand Out: By far the best way to get people to really see your business card is to have one that will give them a double-take. Something that they weren't expecting. Many of our clients come back to us and tell us how many times they have began a conversation with one of their business cards. Die cut cards can give you that extra edge as well!
- Hire a Professional: Sure you can create your own card for little to nothing, but is it going to look good? Designers are professional designers for a reason; they know what they are doing and they do it well. Hire a professional, get fantastic results. Here at Plastic Printers, we offer design services if you don't have your own business card already. We can even take your old paper business card and transform it into a fantastic plastic one!
- Give them a reason to read it: A catchy tag line, funny phrase, anything that will start them on their reading will help them really remember your card.
Read the original article | Small Business Chron