How do you know you live in Minnesota? It’s one of the only states in the nation where there’s a distinct possibility it will literally snow 9 months out of the year. So, it’s May and the white stuff shows no signs of stopping. I guess there’s nothing to do, but find ways to enjoy the abnormally long winter chill. Don’t worry; Plastic Printers has your back with our template of the week.
Get the Perks even without an Off Season
May is usually the best time to dust off that ski resort loyalty card you have crammed in the back of your wallet. Why? May, as most winter sports enthusiasts know, is the best time to get discounts on next season’s passes, lessons, events and other services.
Whether you like Lutsen for its North Shore feel, or Afton Alps for its year-round activity schedule; when it comes to skiing, Minnesota resorts are the place to be! Even the winter-worn veterans of the great white north have to admit that a May Day snowstorm is a bit freakish. Here at Plastic Printers, we believe in looking for silver linings, just compare our ski resort plastic loyalty card to the standard issue paper version.
A Word or Two about Our Silver Linings Playbook
Let’s revisit that ski resort plastic loyalty card comparison for a moment. We’ve noticed that there are a few drawbacks with loyalty cards produced on card stock:
- A loyalty card is meant to be used repeatedly. Card stock isn’t designed to hold up to repeated use.
- Bad things happen to even the best loyalty cards. All it takes is one forgotten pocket check on laundry day; one rip as you pull it out of an over-stuffed wallet, or worse yet, drop it in the snow; and just like that the card, and all of the loyalty it carried, is ruined.
- What about plastic coating, you ask. To that we counter, why just coat it in plastic sheeting that peels off over time, when you can make the whole card out of durable, high-quality PVC plastic?
Given that Mother Nature is unpredictable; we understand you may need to stock up on loyalty cards pretty fast this year. So, give our template a trial run. Pull it off of www.plasticprinters.com, customize it, and print it. If you like what you see, contact us and we’ll help you custom-design a signature loyalty card during the off season (however short it may be).Our cards are designed to withstand anything nature dishes out-be that human nature or Mother Nature. Cram them into wallets and ski packs, put them through the rinse cycle, punch them full of holes or drop them in the snow. All you have to do is pick up the card, dry it off, and it’s goods as new. That’s why; we’re encouraging local ski resorts to try our ski resort plastic loyalty card template for free this discount season.
All of our cards are hand-printed and American-made. We produce a quality product right here in Hastings, Minnesota. Come rain, sleet, snow, or hail; plastic cards from our company won’t fail! So, we invite you to test the product and find out for yourself what the right promotional partnership can do for your business.
One last thing, ski on Minnesota, ski on!