There are skeptics among you in the current business climate who believe that, plastic card or no plastic card, the business card is fast becoming an artifact. To those people we say, there’s a new corporate fish bowl in town and you need a business card, plastic or not, to gain admittance.
Here at Plastic Printers, we just wish we could see their faces when they realize we are being literal. After-hours networking has become a social lottery, thanks in large part, to a new game that’s popular among young professionals. It’s called the:
Business Card Match Game
The Plastic Printers staff will teach you how to play and tell you how a plastic card from our company will set you apart in the corporate fish bowl.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- 1 fish bowl
- 1 business card
- A pair of scissors
- A $5 to $10 cover charge
- Sizable pool of willing participants, also carrying 1 business card and cover charge per person
Oh, and a cool venue with refreshments provided always helps to encourage participation (A.K.A. The punch and pie rule).
When you arrive at the event, you’ll cut your business card in half. You keep one half; the other goes in the fish bowl. As the bowl fills up, you’ll be asked to take a card from it; don’t pick your own. Over the course of the evening, you have one mission: find the person with the other half of both of the business cards in your possession.
This game is a great way to practice networking in a comfortable, fun environment. Organizers often hold team building exercises or topical seminars following the game to help participants hone their skills and make more connections.
Open networking, as it’s known, is becoming an increasingly popular trend. A plastic card from our company will help you stand out, no matter how big your pond of potential connections might be.
Go Against the Flow
A plastic card stands out because it is as stylish and unique as the business it represents. That’s the result Plastic Printers strives for.

From the moment you contact the company to find out about our plastic card options to the final quality check and product shipment; we perfect your calling card down to the last detail. That way; it reflects the core of what your company’s about. It’s a product you can put on display for the whole world to see.
To find out more about how we can help you, contact us or visit the website: