Printing on PlasticYou may think that there’s nothing new in business cards these days. That the era of the pocket-sized promotional items has come to an end; or that printing on plastic is nothing special. However, Plastic Printers would be the first to disagree with you. The business card isn’t dead; it has simply evolved. In fact, printing on plastic is still en vogue. How do we know? It’s what we do and we do it very well.

Get the Facts, Jack

If the title of this article is any indication, there’s still an accessible market for printing on plastic. Granted, we are not printing actual credit cards, but who said a little mimicry doesn’t raise some eyebrows? That’s really what we are all about: creating eye-catching, lead generating marketing that’s high-quality, yet affordable.

How do we stay ahead of the curve? We study what’s popular and what sells then we scale it down to card form and hand-print it.

Don’t believe it? Here’s just a few ways we’ve kept up with trends in the past 12 months:

  • Adding Quick Response (QR) Codes to our card designs so businesses can distribute exclusive deals on-the-go
  • Opaque white blocker printing on clear cards for realistic detail and stand-out designs
  • Plastic cards are variable data and barcode ready
  • You can completely customize your shape
  • Exclusive deals, coupons, and tips are made available for our loyal customers
  • Design and support from your own team all the way through the process
  • Easily integrates with social media platforms and online directories so you get found, liked, re-tweeted, and re-pinned

The “Hunt & Shoot” Trend on Plastic

In short, by printing on plastic we create a durable, high-quality, American-made calling card that people remember.

Customers respond well to creativity; many of them go out of their way to find it.

One of the newest trend involves setting up a QR Code scavenger hunt. Participants are given a list of QR categories and they have to find an example that fits each one. These hunts start out at different point in a city and the person or team that collects the most interesting entries wins a prize. Plastic Printers offers signature designs that would more than qualify.

There is one other side of this sales di to consider: what happens if your technical capabilities fail you? Yes, businesses don’t get too far without an IT Infrastructure. These inter-connected networks link everything together from phones, to computers, to programs and phones. It may be a rarity, but what happens if this infrastructure temporarily fails? You need an old-fashioned contingency plan. Plastic Printers can be that plan. We can develop promotional materials as an extension of your overall operations or just be there as a backup.

The most important thing is that you get to know our product before you judge its usefulness. For more information on:

  • Our products
  • Our blog
  • Our capability
  • Our printing process

Visit our website: See the value of what we do for yourself. If you like what you see, contact us to place an order and discover the professionalism of printing on plastic.

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