OK, Plastic Printers blog followers, I’ve got a dilemma. Before I tell you about it, I have to admit to one thing: I’m a die-hard, old-school chick. What does that mean? For the purposes of this weekly template installment, it means I buy a piece of equipment and use it till it fries.
Score One for Technology
You won’t catch me replacing my smartphone every 6 months or investing in new tech-gadgetry before the manufacturers have worked out all the bugs. I want to study, research, test, and tweak. I will do whatever it takes to make sure a piece of equipment is worth investing in before I spend my hard-earned cash on it.
Now, that we understand each other, it will come as no surprise to you that my tube TV has lasted nearly 11 years. Equally anti-climactic, is the fact that it finally started to die last weekend. What was my first clue? About a third of the way through last week’s episode of Game of Thrones, King’s Landing went from old-world, fantasy sepia to magenta! This amused and frustrated writer gave credit where credit is due. It’s time to get a new TV.
Uncharted Retail Territory
I researched a few possibilities, set a budget, and headed off to a local store. I walked in and as I headed to the TV section, I found myself completely overwhelmed. The models I had carefully researched and selected were out of stock. What was my next move? I’ll give you a hint: it’s the subject or rather; the object of this week’s free template download.
If you guessed that I looked for an employee; you’re right. Here’s the follow-up question: how did I know when I found the person I was looking for? Right again; I looked for someone wearing a store-themed I.D. badge. My mission partially accomplished; we headed back to the TV section to review my available options.
Think about that for a moment, and ask yourself how many times you’ve done the exact same thing. When you enter uncharted retail territory, you automatically start looking for basic ID badges. This deceptively simple visual aid:
- Disperses staff evenly throughout the store
- Easily and immediately identifies help for the customer
- Improves the customer service rating and store morale
- Gets questions answered quickly
- Efficiently moves customer out of browse mode and into sales
Can you say the same for the staff at your brick and mortar locations? If not, that’s an issue easily rectified with the free basic ID badge template from Plastic Printers. Why basic? We want to give you the chance to customize it your way so you can reap the branding and sales benefits.
Customize the:
- Color
- Layout
- Text
- Graphics

I may have shared a good laugh with the salesperson when he described my tube TV as “classic” or “vintage,” but your basic ID badge doesn’t have to stay within those limited boundaries. Make it as unique as your business with a free download from www.plasticprinters.com.