Perfecting the Element of Surprise Business CardRecent advertising polls indicate that the average person sees over 5,000 advertisements a day. That’s a pretty large marketing pool to stand out in. The question to ask is: how do you make a memorable first impression on over saturated customers? Plastic Printers has the answer. It’s all about the element of surprise.

Faking Customers into a Double Take

The business of pocket-sized promotion has several advantages:

  • It’s portable
  • Customizable
  • Easy to work into a conversation
  • Having a supply of business cards on-hand meets instantaneous demand

When you think about it, even with all of the technology we have at our fingertips, business cards are still an effective and widely accepted professional tool. These cards allow you to:

  • Network with other professionals
  • Name drop at important events
  • Develop your brand
  • Build a customer base

Yet, with all that business cards can do to help you establish and expand your company, why don’t they play a larger role in your marketing strategy? Quite simply, people have lost sight of the more dependable distribution tactics in the face of inbound, social, and mobile marketing. Plastic Printers is here to offer a fresh perspective on putting your cards to work for you. What follows is an explanation of how certain business cards give you the upper hand with a little thing we printers like to call: the double take.

Giving Credit Where Credit is due: The Art of a Memorable Exchange

As a business owner, certain activities can be habit-forming. Generally, you know what to expect from: working lunches, conference calls, business meetings, and networking opportunities. After a while it all starts to blend together doesn't it? Consider this: what if you witnessed a flash mob during one of those working lunches? Not only would it disrupt a mundane routine; it would also make that particular lunch pretty memorable. In fact, you probably couldn’t wait to tell other people about it.

That’s the exact same response you’re looking for from potential customers. They are drowning in a sea of monotonous advertising. It’s your job to rescue them from that sea. It doesn’t take a dramatic flash mob to rescue your customers. All you have to do is offer them something they haven’t seen before like, a credit card plastic business card from

A credit card plastic business card can be the building block of a memorable exchange. The card itself looks and feels like a credit card. The element of surprise will garb a customer’s attention. That hook is what you’re after. In that pause between people wondering why you're handing out credit cards and the subsequent realization that their plastic business cards; you’ve created a window of promotional opportunity.

In getting customers to take a second look at your credit card plastic business cards, essentially you’ve gotten them to take a second look at your company as well. Chances are it’s a look they’ll remember and share with others. That interest can be parlayed into a customer base and ongoing brand loyalty.

Request a Price QuoteDon't let the tech-savvy, blog-centric marketing forcasters fool you; business cards have a key role to play in getting the word out about your brand or company. It's not all about updating, tweeting and pinning. It's about connecting to your customer, and investing in unique, high-quality business cards is a way to do just that. You have a one-on-one interaction that puts you in direct contact with your potential customers. Make your first impression consistent, professional, and memorable.

Visit our website at: You can get a quote and start putting the element of surprise to work for your company today!

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