Twitter is amazingly versatile and is an essential part of creating a good online presence in this era of modern technology. If you think about it, so many people are using Twitter because of its simplicity, ease of use, and the ability to get an inside look at the lives of celebrities or their favorite companies. This is an advantage to both your
customers and your
company! Why not create a business card that takes inspiration from this amazing online tool that millions of people around the world use?
And not only will you have a business card design that is
totally unique and
customized 100% to YOU, owning plastic business cards will
last longer, stay in hands longer, and give you a
great conversation starter with potential clients!

If you've been debating about what to do to change your image or create a branding that is unforgettable, we think this special offer will get that last leg over the fence and help you make that important decision. Of course a lasting impression is extremely important when meeting clients and customers for the first time, so make it a no brainer with plastic business cards! They'll be so impressed with the sleek look of your card and will know that
you. mean. business.
Let us help you create a 100% customized card based off your Twitter profile!

Take a look at your profile on Twitter. Do you have a great profile picture? A great banner image, or background? What about the photos that you've shared with your followers? Anything you can think of can become a great base for a business card, you just need the template to put your images and text in!
That's where PlasticPrinters.com comes in!
Get your free, totally no-strings-attached social media business card templates! You'll recieve a PDF with
4 template designs that were inspired by popular social media websites. These templates are simple and easy to use so you can
make your very own Twitter social media business cards!
Simply click on the link to the right to instantly send your career into high gear!
If you need help creating your business card or have questions, we welcome you to contact us at 1-800-808-7472 or e-mail us at