Design Inspiration & Marketing Ideas For Your Business / Small Business (7)

Template of the Week: 7 Social Graces Everyone should Know

Platinum High Voltage Business Cards

Social media is a powerful tool if you know how to use it properly. Our Facebook business card template can help you make the introduction, but where you go from there is up to you. The next steps you take are the focus of this installment of Plastic Printers template of the week.

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Branding 102: What does a brand identity look like?

Deciding on a brand identity is a good practice for small businesses. If you’ve read through “Branding 101: How to establish your Brand identity” you got some good tips on exercises you can do to get a start on building your brand identity.

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Branding 101: How to establish your brand identity

Brand Identity. It sounds like a word that only Marketing or advertising professionals are kicking around the office a couple times a year. This of course isn’t true. The term brand identity is one that anyone who owns a company or works for one should be concerned about.

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Painting the Fifth Wall of Self-Promotion with Double-Sided Cards

Clear Plastic Business Card with Concept Art Illustration for a Graphic Design Business Card

We've spent a good portion of this week discussing text placement on business cards. One of the most frequent questions I get asked is," How do I fit everything into such a small space?"

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Redeem Your Promotional Value with a Plastic Printers Template

One Detroit NSUA Embossed Faux Credit Card with Faux Chip

Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

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How to Know if your Logo Needs a Facelift

So you're thinking of updating your outdated business card to some slick plastic cards? Of course check your information like your name, phone number, email address, website, address, fax number, and other personal information to make sure it's up-to-date, but have you considered taking a look at your logo to see if it needs some updating?

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The Secret Sauce for Marketing to Busy People


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Plastic Printers Presents: 12 Habits that will Change Your Life Pt. 2

Infinity Woodcraft Frosted Satin Business Cards

In the wake of the July 4th holiday, it’s the perfect time to return to our discussion on time management. The first step in developing this skill is to make it a habit. Luckily, one of our Founding Fathers had the secrets to doing just that. At the age of 20, Benjamin Franklin resolved to live a virtuous life through deliberate focus on improving …

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Plastic Printers Presents: 12 Habits that Will Change Your Life Pt. 1

Advent Creative Clear Transparent Business Cards

Our Founding Fathers had wonderful wisdom to share. Over the centuries, that wisdom has distilled and crystalized to the point that some of it has reached an almost legendary status. No one embodies this noteworthy status quite like Benjamin Franklin.

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Defy Convention with the Plastic Printers Template of the Week

Personalized Meta Con Writable ID Badge

The summer months are prime convention season. From comicons to workplace promotions; there’s always a reason for people to congregate at a pre-determined site. Conventions are based on two very basic ideas:

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