Design Inspiration & Marketing Ideas For Your Business / Plastic Business Cards (2)

Create a Personal Connection with Automotive Business Cards

Auto Repair Business Cards

There is no better feeling than when you walk out of the DMV with your driver's license. Well, there might be some better feelings, but your 16-year-old self was probably very excited! Especially to hop in the car and drive your friends around. Maybe stop at the nearest mall or ice cream shop. Whether you were driving your parent's car or your own, …

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Highlight Your Brand or Industry With Clear Business Cards

Transparent Business Cards for Custom Frames

Running a business is a little like a game of basketball. When the game is coming to an end, and the pressure is on - you only have seven seconds to score or suffer a painful defeat. Similarly, each meeting with a potential client could result in a win or a loss for your business. How do you prepare yourself? You want to have a plan in place that g …

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Tattoo Business Cards: How to Bring People in the Door

I was recently looking through my plastic business card portfolio, and it's shocking how many tattoo cards I have in my book. This lead me to wonder why I've worked with so many tattoo artists.

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Our 3 Favorite Examples of Embossed Business Cards

When doing business with a potential client, you want them to remember who you are and what your company is known for. In order to make a memorable impact, you have to leave them with something that will catch their eye such as an embossed business card. Using an embossed business card adds dimension, which highlights important information for your …

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7 Reasons to Add Social Media to Your Business Card

Business Cards with Facebook, Instagram & Twitter Handles

Remember when Facebook was just about connecting with friends? Those days are long gone. In the 21st century, social media has become a primary hub for people around the world, and the way we do business has changed drastically throughout this digital era. Phone calls and face-to-face connections are occurring less and less, so utilizing social med …

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Photographers Have it Rough...

If you're a photographer, you know what a complicated world you live in. The business is super competitive, and profit margins aren't what they once were. As well as the influx of amateur photographers pawning themselves off as pros.

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Real Estate Business Cards

Plastic Real Estate Business Card

Odds are, that if you've been in the real estate business for a while, you know it's a competitive market. Clients are hard to come by, and easy to lose. So how do you make yourself as memorable as possible?

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10 Creative Custom Die Cut Cards - Part 2

Since our first installment of the Creative Custom Die Cut Cards series, our team has had valuable conversations with multiple clients. We wanted to know how a custom shaped card would help their business. We were in contact with many different industries such as breweries, DJs and retail stores. All of the people that we contacted were extremely r …

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Top 10 Frosted Business Cards

When we ask our potential clients what they are looking for in their business cards, one of the first things that we usually hear is that they want it to be unique. Unique can mean many different things depending on who you talk to, so we dig deeper. When people come to Plastic Printers, they are looking for a card that is top of the line and somet …

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Plastic Business Cards, Leaving Paper in the Trash


How many business cards do you hand out in a month? If you're anything like me, the answer is, a lot less than I used to. Back in the early 2000's, I handed out a dozen cards a week. Now, if I hand out a dozen in a month, it's a big month.

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