Make the Most of Marketing with Your Plastic Business Cards
by Sarah K on Jun 3, 2013 10:05:00 AM
So you've got a business card. What do you do with it? Do you only hand it out when you meet a business partner? There are so many ways that you can transform a business card into a magic marketing billboard for your business yet most entrepreneurs and business owners don't utilize it that way.
Networking Commandments Part 2: Well-Placed Business Cards
by Sarah K on May 30, 2013 1:08:00 PM
As our bon voyage to our series on networking continues, we will make sure the bases are well-covered by reviewing the final 5 commandments. Some of these may seem basic, but when it comes to business card etiquette, there’s no harm in sharing these friendly reminders.
Great First Impressions with a Better Business Card
by Sarah K on May 29, 2013 10:17:00 AM
Your business card represents you and your company in every aspect. When you hand your card to someone, that person usually knows nothing or only the basics about you and your business. A poorly designed card can lead to missed contacts and clients. When it is such a simple and affordable fix, why then would you let that card continue to misreprese …
Wedding Bliss can be an Opportunity Missed; Get a Business Card
by Sarah K on May 21, 2013 1:02:00 PM
Get People Seeing Your Business Card!
by Sarah K on May 20, 2013 10:05:00 AM
When you hand a business card to someone, do they glance and slide it into their pocket or do they actually SEE your business card? You want your business card to stand out as much as possible, and there are a few useful techniques that you can utilize to create the kind of results you are looking for.
Optimizing your Tradeshow & Convention ROI through Plastic Cards
by Sarah K on May 17, 2013 1:19:00 PM
With the convention and trade show season beginning to crescendo, many may be considering different ways to set themselves apart from the hundreds, if not thousands of vendors at each show. Plastic business cards are a proven component of brand recognition. By using plastic business cards, a company is certain to intrigue their potential customers …
Make Your Business Cards Sticky
by Sarah K on May 17, 2013 10:04:00 AM
What good is a business card if it's not going to stay in people's hands? If they take your card and a day later throw it in the trash, lose it somewhere in their purse, or better yet wash it in their laundry, how does that help you and your business grow?
Networking Revitalized with the Business Card Match Game
by Sarah K on May 16, 2013 10:00:00 AM
There are skeptics among you in the current business climate who believe that, plastic card or no plastic card, the business card is fast becoming an artifact. To those people we say, there’s a new corporate fish bowl in town and you need a business card, plastic or not, to gain admittance.
7 Ways to Make Your Business Card Stand Out
by Sarah K on May 8, 2013 10:05:00 AM
When you're making your new business cards there are a lot of things to think about... what kind of font you should use, what information you should include, what graphic or colors to use, and more. It can be overwhelming, but here are 7 great tips for making your business card stand out.
How Your Business Card Design Impacts Your Business
by Sarah K on May 6, 2013 10:18:00 AM
There are a lot of factors that can impact how your customers view your business. Your logo, your social media presence, your storefront and interior design, even the way you carry yourself as a business owner. So it's no surprise to some that the design of your business card can either hurt or help your business.