Design Inspiration & Marketing Ideas For Your Business / Plastic Business Cards

Five of the Best Business Card Designs of 2022

When it comes to representing your business, a lot more goes into designing your business card than simply the information on it. The first thing a client or customer sees when they take your business card isn’t the writing; it’s the logo, the color, the shape, the style, the things that make it pop! So here, we’ve collected a few of the best busin …

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10 Things You Didn't Know About Business Cards

Check your wallet - odds are, you're carrying around a business card. Business cards are commonplace today and have been around for centuries. However, despite being culturally relevant for centuries and being used every day, there are many things about business cards the average person might not know. Believe it or not, there's a lot of fascinatin …

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10 Real Estate Business Cards

Real Estate Business Cards

Realtors depend on business cards as they are a professional way to leave clients, other realtors, mortgage lenders, and title companies their contact information for future services or meetings. They are also a great way for real estate agents to separate themselves in a crowded industry.

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Business Cards: Past, Present, & Future

The History of Business Cards

In today's society, handing out business cards to potential clients is an everyday occurrence, but have you ever wondered about the history of the business card? It's actually quite fascinating and dates back centuries. However, business cards don't just have an intriguing past; they have an interesting present and an exciting future.

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Are Business Cards Still Relevant in 2021?

Are Business Cards still relevant in 2020?

Think of all of the products and services you use today that didn't exist just a decade ago. In the past ten years, we've seen the rise of Uber, the invention of the iPad, and the origination of personal assistants like Alexa. With rapid innovation occurring, it's fair to question if certain products and services are antiquated and should be left i …

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20 Inspirational Business Card Designs

Did you know that 27 million business cards are printed a day? While many physical mediums have declined over the years, many businesses are still using business cards because they’re an effective way to help make a great first impression. However, with so many professionals using business cards, how can you ensure your card stands out from the res …

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10 of the Best Business Cards Ever

Business cards are a key factor in creating a great first impression. They are a little piece of your business that customers and potential customers alike will be taking home with them, so it better be representative as well as memorable and impressive. Luckily for you, there are plenty of businesses that have already created some incredible cards …

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Event Prep 101 - A Guide to Attending Conferences

Conferences are an excellent resource for networking, keeping up with the latest innovations in your field, listening to amazing speakers, and sampling free products. They're a unique opportunity to grow and make great connections. However, if you’re new to the event scene, attendance can be more than a little intimidating. Don’t worry; we’ve all b …

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The Benefits of Plastic Business Cards

Custom shaped business cards in the shape of a pineapple for a wedding planner

Innovation was a term coined to describe a new thing or a change made to an existing item. This term has propelled our world forward and changed the way we complete everyday tasks. It has helped propel businesses like Apple, Amazon, and Nike into the giants that they are today. These are companies that are continually re-evaluating their marketing …

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Tips for Designing Amazing Clear Business Cards

Clear business card for technology and security company

Have you ever seen a trailer for a movie that dazzled you so much that you knew you HAD to see it? Sometimes just getting a little taste of what the film is about is enough to excite you and capture your attention. Another example is free samples at the grocery store; where one bite sells you on a new product. Think of a business card the same way: …

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