Customer Loyalty Cards Enhance Service for HillCountry Rx
by Nate on Jun 5, 2013 1:00:00 PM
Since 1996, Plastic Printers has worked with more than 100,000 clients in a wide variety of industries—and behind each is a unique story and a valuable relationship. In today’s client file, we provide a way for HillCountry Rx to build customer loyalty—all through cards that emphasize a focus on holistic wellness.
Creating a Customer Loyalty Card Program
by Sarah K on Jun 5, 2013 10:04:00 AM
A customer comes through your doors one day. They browse around, not looking for anything in particular, pick out a few items and move to checkout. As they go to pay, a message pops up on the screen that they have the option of picking out 1 item of their choice for being a loyal customer with you. Because of a program that you set up, this custome …
Providing the Ultimate Plastic Season Pass to the Indy Alley Cats
by Nate on May 29, 2013 1:25:00 PM
Since 1996, Plastic Printers has worked with more than 100,000 clients in a wide variety of industries—and behind each is a unique story and a valuable relationship. In today’s client file, we help the Indy Alley Cats with a great season pass solution for Indianapolis's Ultimate fans.
Plastic Printers Template of the Week: Loyalty is its Own Reward
by Sarah K on May 28, 2013 10:08:00 AM
The blockbuster is a quintessential part of any summer vacation. Theaters are gearing up for the rush. When I went to see a movie over Memorial Day Weekend, sure enough, as I placed my order at the concession stand, I was asked if I had a cinema club loyalty card.
How to Make a Killer Invitation with Plastic Cards
by Sarah K on May 24, 2013 10:09:00 AM
If you are like most people, planning an event doesn't come naturally. There are many things to consider such as the theme of your event, the color scheme, how big or small a venue you need, who to invite, and what kind of food you will have. After you have made those big decisions, it's time to make a decision on your invitations.
Networking Commandments Part One: Get it Set in Plastic Cards
by Sarah K on May 23, 2013 10:15:00 AM
We’ve covered a lot of networking ground lately. As we bring this current series of articles to a close, I’d like to sum up what we’ve learned 10 commandments style. Feel free to begin your Charlton Heston impressions at any point. This two-part conclusion will outline 10 principles you can put into action right away.
Loot Crate Membership Cards
by Tom on May 15, 2013 10:08:00 AM
Looks like Loot Crate is placing another order for membership cards! There will be a bunch of happy nerds receiving some pretty cool loot in the next week or two.
Helping Wagner’s Greenhouse Grow with Customer Loyalty Cards
by Nate on May 10, 2013 1:06:00 PM
Since 1996, Plastic Printers has worked with more than 100,000 clients in a wide variety of industries—and behind each is a unique story and a valuable relationship. In today’s client file, Wagners uses our plastic loyalty cards to plant the seeds for their Garden Rewards Club.
Ski in May With Plastic Printers Free Weekly Template
by Sarah K on May 7, 2013 10:04:00 AM
How do you know you live in Minnesota? It’s one of the only states in the nation where there’s a distinct possibility it will literally snow 9 months out of the year. So, it’s May and the white stuff shows no signs of stopping. I guess there’s nothing to do, but find ways to enjoy the abnormally long winter chill. Don’t worry; Plastic Printers has …
Plastic Cards vs Tchotchke for Tradeshows?
by Nate on May 1, 2013 1:15:00 PM
Ahh, the trade show tchotchke—the little branded treasures that are produced en masse and given away to prospective customers and trinket-minded opportunists. Trade shows are littered with pens, notepads, bags and other items aimed at showcasing companies and outdoing competitors in a gifting arms race. But other than padding corporate egos and lin …