Plastic Printers Template of the Week: What Makes Boutiques Unique?
by Sarah K on Jul 30, 2013 10:00:00 AM
The business world is full of all kinds of nooks and crannies; perhaps none so signature as the boutique. This local hole-in-the-wall storefront trend started just after World War II and it is still a popular business option today. Our template of the week post will look at how the right type of membership card bolsters both a store’s image and pro …
Get Back to School Ready with Plastic Printers Template of the Week
by Sarah K on Jul 23, 2013 10:00:00 AM
As of today, summer is more than half over. Every year at about this time, you start to see signs that school will once again be in session. A few of my friends already have their back to school shopping done.
The Evolution of the Punchable Plastic Card
by Sarah K on Jul 18, 2013 12:00:00 PM
I was standing in line at the supermarket the other day and, as if on cue, the clerk asked me if I had a discount card. Without thinking about it, I swiped the punch card on my key ring across the scanner, got my discounts, and went on about my day. It didn’t dawn on my until a few hours later; sitting in traffic on my way home, just how often I “s …
Become a Local Hot-Spot with Plastic Printers Template of the Week
by Sarah K on Jul 9, 2013 10:00:00 AM
What’s America’s favorite weekend pastime? No, it’s not baseball; it’s dining out. According to statistics, at least 30% of the population enjoys one restaurant-style meal per week. Yes, even in a fluctuating economy, Americans like to go out to eat.
Get Bit by the Travel Bug with Plastic Printers Template of the Week
by Sarah K on Jul 2, 2013 10:00:00 AM
Summer is the perfect time to discover new places. Whether your destination leads you to explore local attractions or expand your travel horizons; the Plastic Printers template of the week can help you stay informed no matter where you go.
Custom Photo Booth Cards
by Tom on Jun 21, 2013 10:00:00 AM
Summer is upon us, which means it's wedding season. Traveling Photo Booths have become very popular with weddings and large social events in recent years. Everyone loves to wear fun props for these photo booths. We've had quite a few clients come up with some fun prop business cards to promote their photo booth businesses. Everything from mustaches …
Creating Unique Plastic Luggage Tags for Butte Humane Society
by Nate on Jun 19, 2013 1:15:00 PM
Since 1996, Plastic Printers has worked with more than 100,000 clients in a wide variety of industries—and behind each is a unique story and a valuable relationship. In today’s client file, we find a unique solution for Farrell Design Group to publicize the noble efforts of the Butte Humane Society.
Marketing at Trade Shows with Plastic Cards
by Sarah K on Jun 17, 2013 10:02:00 AM
Trade shows can be extremely helpful for marketing your business IF you prepare properly and understand how to effectively use your time there and make sure that everything goes smoothly. Eric Blair, a trade show coordinator, wrote on some tips and ideas to really get the most out of your next event.
Looking for Loyalty? Start with Plastic Card Logo Designs
by Sarah K on Jun 6, 2013 10:05:00 AM
Brand loyalty is a think tank concept that was developed in the 1950s. It was used to encourage customers to buy from a single retailer. During a thirty-year test phase there were three promotions used to support purchases from specific brands: