by Cole
2 min read
Aug 21, 2017 12:30:00 PM

If you're a photographer, you know what a complicated world you live in. The business is super competitive, and profit margins aren't what they once were. As well as the influx of amateur photographers pawning themselves off as pros.

So, how do you set yourself apart in a world of fakes and posers? Well, this was easy enough years ago. Anyone with access to pro-level equipment was a pro. But now with digital photos, the equipment for pro level photos is available on!

Here are a few ideas:

Make sure to have a professional image.

This seems easy. And I'm sure you do a few of these things already. But here's a list of some easy things to make yourself look professional.

1.) Website

A good website, not something from Something with a real domain name. Even if you use Blogger, Wix, or Wordpress for a site. Make sure you have a real domain name. They only cost $8-30 a year. It's worth it.

2.) Real email address

Nothing with "," or "" in them. There's nothing wrong with Gmail, but it makes it look like you work from your mom's basement.

Usually this is something you can buy in tandem with your domain name. So that'll make life easy for you.

3.) Social Media Presence

This is better than client reviews. You can use Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest to post photos of recent shoots. Then by tagging the people you shot the photos for, you can get your clients to share the photos with their friends. It's a better introduction than you can get anywhere else.

4.) Business/Referral Cards.

This is where I come in. If you want business cards that show your overwhelming professionalism, I've got them. If you're a photographer, you have to get into clear plastic business cards. These may cost more, but they say a lot more to your customer than something from Your cards say something about you and these say I am a serious photographer, who takes myself and my work seriously. I will put the same attention to detail into my work, as I do into the creation of my creative business cards. 

Your clients are shopping around, and getting 2 or 3 business cards. Believe me, they're going to call the person with the awesome clear card every time.


Reach out if you have questions about any of this. You can always email me with any questions. I'm happy to help.

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