Creating a Customer Loyalty Card Program

A customer comes through your doors one day. They browse around, not looking for anything in particular, pick out a few items and move to checkout....

Plastic Printers Feature of the Week: Summer-Ready & Going Steady

There are plenty of catchy descriptors used to encapsulate the feeling of summer. Here are some of my favorites: the dog days of summer, Indian...

Plastic Printers Reading List for the week of 6/3/2013

As most of our card printing customers are entrepreneurs, we've decided to put together a list of what we're reading here at the office. Here’s what...

Make the Most of Marketing with Your Plastic Business Cards

So you've got a business card. What do you do with it? Do you only hand it out when you meet a business partner? There are so many ways that you...

Double Your Plastic Gift Card Sales With These 4 Simple Steps

Last year, consumers spent over $23 billion on gift cards alone. If you don't have gift cards, don't let your business miss out on these amazing...

Networking Commandments Part 2: Well-Placed Business Cards

As our bon voyage to our series on networking continues, we will make sure the bases are well-covered by reviewing the final 5 commandments. Some of...

Providing the Ultimate Plastic Season Pass to the Indy Alley Cats

Since 1996, Plastic Printers has worked with more than 100,000 clients in a wide variety of industries—and behind each is a unique story and a...

Great First Impressions with a Better Business Card

Your business card represents you and your company in every aspect. When you hand your card to someone, that person usually knows nothing or only...

Plastic Printers Template of the Week: Loyalty is its Own Reward

The blockbuster is a quintessential part of any summer vacation. Theaters are gearing up for the rush. When I went to see a movie over Memorial Day...

How to Make a Killer Invitation with Plastic Cards

If you are like most people, planning an event doesn't come naturally. There are many things to consider such as the theme of your event, the color...