The Evolution of the Punchable Plastic Card
by Sarah K on Jul 18, 2013 12:00:00 PM
I was standing in line at the supermarket the other day and, as if on cue, the clerk asked me if I had a discount card. Without thinking about it, I swiped the punch card on my key ring across the scanner, got my discounts, and went on about my day. It didn’t dawn on my until a few hours later; sitting in traffic on my way home, just how often I “s …
Template of the Week: A Technicolor Marketing Scheme
by Sarah K on Jul 16, 2013 10:05:00 AM
Color theory has been around since the days of Leonardo da Vinci. His original 1490s journal entries are the basis of certain principles in modern marketing. The idea is simple: use color to subliminally drive purchase decisions. How does it work and what does this have to do with business cards? That's what we aim to find out in this week's instal …
Plastic Printers Presents: 12 Habits that will Change Your Life Pt. 2
by Sarah K on Jul 11, 2013 10:00:00 AM
In the wake of the July 4th holiday, it’s the perfect time to return to our discussion on time management. The first step in developing this skill is to make it a habit. Luckily, one of our Founding Fathers had the secrets to doing just that. At the age of 20, Benjamin Franklin resolved to live a virtuous life through deliberate focus on improving …
Become a Local Hot-Spot with Plastic Printers Template of the Week
by Sarah K on Jul 9, 2013 10:00:00 AM
What’s America’s favorite weekend pastime? No, it’s not baseball; it’s dining out. According to statistics, at least 30% of the population enjoys one restaurant-style meal per week. Yes, even in a fluctuating economy, Americans like to go out to eat.
Creating Guerrilla Business Cards with
by Sarah K on Jul 8, 2013 10:00:00 AM
The burning question that may be going through your mind at this very moment: "What is a guerrilla business card?" A guerrilla business card is much more than just a card with your name, job title, and contact information on it. Gone are the days of simple cards and now is the time to have a card that will truly blow away your competition. That is …
Affordable Ways to Keeping Your Business Cards Current
by Sarah K on Jul 5, 2013 10:00:00 AM
Think back to the last time you updated your business cards... can you even remember when it was? What kind of outdated information is lurking on those little 2.5" x 3" marketing cards? Has your email address changed? Got a new twitter account? Facebook? Or maybe the design simply looks outdated?
Get Bit by the Travel Bug with Plastic Printers Template of the Week
by Sarah K on Jul 2, 2013 10:00:00 AM
Summer is the perfect time to discover new places. Whether your destination leads you to explore local attractions or expand your travel horizons; the Plastic Printers template of the week can help you stay informed no matter where you go.
Business Card Design & Tips
by Sarah K on Jul 1, 2013 10:05:00 AM
Let's talk Business Cards. Why are business cards so important? While we are living in a digital age, we still often meet others face-to-face to develop a deeper business relationship that is built on trust. This is a very key factor in that many business people will be impressed with you if you hand them a business card with a great design. This i …