How To Use A Discount Card To Increase Online Purchases
by Sarah on Oct 14, 2014 9:00:00 AM
Retailers with brick and mortar locations have widely used gift cards to boost their sales as people browse their stores. However, many people are beginning to shop online for many of their purchases simply out of convenience. You may have that physical location, but we would HIGHLY recommend having an online presence as well.
Flexible Yet Durable Plastic Cards: Wall Decor Plus More
by Sarah on Oct 10, 2014 9:00:00 AM
Wall Decor Plus More is based in rural South Dakota. They offer both wall stickers as well as vinyl/sign decals and some clients have even utilized their product on vehicles. There are products for every occasion and stage in life.
Internet Security With Business Cards
by Sarah on Oct 8, 2014 9:00:00 AM
Through online and physical venues, the Military Cyber Professionals Association connects people and recognizes excellence. The Association caters to the specific needs of those in the US defense community that continue to protect in and throughout cyberspace while investing in our nation’s future through STEM education.
10 Stunning Examples of Gift Card Designs
by Sarah on Oct 7, 2014 9:00:00 AM
Remember the last time that you were in the line at the supermarket and noticed a variety of gift cards on display, just begging for you to grab one? Having a unique gift card design that will pop out and grab your customer's attention is a great way to increase sales. Here are some great examples of eye-catching gift card designs that are meant to …
Top 10 Ways to Boost Gift Card Sales
by Sarah on Sep 30, 2014 9:00:00 AM
As you have seen over the past month, gift cards are a great way to bring in additional business. Do you need some help in generating ideas of how to best utilize and increase your gift card sales?
10 Ways Your Gift Card Program Will Pay For Itself
by Sarah on Sep 23, 2014 9:00:00 PM
With the Holiday season rapidly approaching, many businesses are begining to offer gift cards as an option for their clientele. Although it may seem like a large undertaking, we can help you start your gift card program in less than 10 days!
How To Easily Design A Business Card That Sets You Apart
by Katie on Sep 23, 2014 8:35:00 AM
If you want your prospective clients to remember you and earn mindshare, it is absolutely crucial that your business has a unique first impression. By the time you meet with a potential client, a significant amount of marketing dollars have already been spent. Will you put in that extra effort to guarantee your business stands out from the crowd?