Whether you are promoting your business at a trade show or at a celebration, chances are that you have something to hand out with your branding on it. After all, you are there to promote yourself right? Well, you aren't the only one and all of the giveaways usually end up getting stuffed into a bag and forgotten or thrown away.
What if you could do something different that your prospects would love and even wear?
Our clients have noticed that when they hand their plastic business card to prospects that often times they try to give the card back because they don't think it is a giveaway. When they find out they do get to keep the card, the potential clients will show the card to their friends and collegues because they are so unique.
Our mustache cards and our camera viewfinder cards are frequently held up to their faces or looked through within moments of seeing them.

If you are looking for something a bit more economical than a standard business card size to reach the masses, our custom shaped tags are perfect for you! With over 560 custom shapes in our inventory that continues to grow daily, we have a shape that is perfect for you. If we don't already have the shape you need (think cupcakes, water drops, houses and more) we can make one for you!
Our die cut model 0984 is a perfect shape to attach to the beaded necklaces frequently handed out at parades and conventions. Simply pop out the little circle and insert the necklace through the slit.
Here are some of our favorite uses:
1. Booster Club Fundraiser
A great way to fundraise at different events such as competitions and games is selling beaded necklaces with the school logo or event name printed on it. You could also preprint player's names and numbers for a great gift for parents. This client even added a custom QR code that links to a page with a full events calendar. If your sponsors are paying for them as gifts, the QR code could even lead to a page with a special offer or discount.

2. Patriotic 4th of July Parade Giveaway
4th of July parades are a big deal in many locations in the country and with the parades comes the giveaways. Some of the most coveted prizes are the ones that last like coozies, flags and necklaces. You can even add your logo to the back to let people know where they came from.

3. St. Patrick's Day Celebrations
For the 50th Parade this year, the St. Patrick's Association of St. Paul will be handing out a collector's edition necklace complete with a custom printed charm featuring their logo and the year.

4. Mardi Gras Beads
No post about marketing with beaded necklaces would be complete without including the biggest celebration in New Orleans - Mardi Gras. Known for their party with bright colors, bold music and beaded necklaces, Mardi Gras is the perfect place for this giveaway.

5. "Don't Say Baby" Shower Game
A popular game at baby showers is the "Don't Say Baby" game which is frequently played with safety pins. A great alternative to putting holes in your clothes is that everyone at the shower is given a necklace with one charm on it. Any time someone catches another person saying the word "Baby" the first person to call them out gets their charm and attaches it to their own necklace. At the end of the shower the person with the most charms on their necklace is given a special gift.
* If you know if you are having a boy or a girl you can even have that printed on the tag!

6. Valentine's Day Gifts
With allergies exploding in our schools, a safe way to share the spirit of Valentine's Day is to give each child in the class a fun custom designed charm complete with a bright colored beaded necklace.

Hopefully this list gave you some new ideas on ways to market your business at your upcoming events and conventions. Did we miss one? Let us know in the comments below.
Our team is ready to help you design a unique marketing piece that is sure to attract new customers. Want to learn more?