Right now, it's tough owning or running a business in California. Between COVID shutdowns and increased government regulations, there are many challenges. Many business owners are finding it hard to keep up with all of the necessary changes.
We aren't a California-based business, but we understand how you feel and would like to help. In this blog, you'll get a rundown of the opening requirements for California businesses, as well as some helpful resources that can help keep your business up to date. Keep in mind that state guidance changes frequently, so keep an eye out here for the most current updates.
The first thing you need to be aware of is that California's COVID guidance is determined by county and based on specific criteria within that county, such as new COVID-19 cases per day, positivity rate, and intensive care unit (ICU) availability in each county. The county is placed in a tier based on risk level - either widespread, substantial, moderate, or minimal. At the time of this writing, 54 counties are at a widespread risk, one county is at substantial risk, and three counties are at moderate risk.
Here's a quick overview of what each tier means for businesses:
- Tier 1: Widespread - Many non-essential indoor business operations are closed.
- Tier 2: Substantial - Some non-essential indoor business operations are closed.
- Tier 3: Moderate - Some indoor business operations are open with modifications.
- Tier 4: Minimal - Most indoor business operations are open with modifications.
For updated information on tiers in California, click here.
General Guidance
In California, face coverings are required when in a public indoor setting. Additionally, it is asked that non-household members maintain social distancing of at least six feet from others. These two guidelines are used to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
Guidance by Industry
Depending on your industry and county risk, your business will have different restrictions and guidance. Find out the guidance for your industry below.
In Tier 1, retail businesses are open in California at 25% capacity. However, grocery stores can allow up to 50% capacity. In Tier 2, retail capacity is increased to 50%. For Tiers 3 and 4, retail stores are open at full capacity but must follow California's retail guidance. For the most current information on California's guidance for retail businesses, click here and scroll to "retail."
Restaurants, Bars, Breweries, & Wineries
Although many states lump restaurants, bars, breweries, and wineries together, California has different guidance for these venues. Let's start with restaurants first. In Tier 1, restaurants in California are open for outdoor-only service with modifications. In Tier 2, restaurants are open for indoor services at the lesser of 100 people or 25% capacity. In Tier 3, capacity is increased to the lesser of 200 people or 50% capacity. For Tier 4, restaurants are open for indoor service at 50% capacity.
Bars and breweries are closed in Tiers 1 and 2. In Tier 3, bars and breweries are open for outdoor service only. In Tier 4, bars and breweries are open for indoor service at a limited capacity of 50%.
For wineries, they are open for outdoor service in Tiers 1 and 2. In Tier 3, wineries are open for indoor service at the lesser of 100 people and 25% capacity. In Tier 4, capacity is increased to the lesser of 200 people or 50% capacity. For the most current information on California's guidance for restaurants, bars, breweries, and wineries, click here and scroll to "restaurants, wineries, and bars."
Personal Care Services (Salons, Tattoo Parlors, Barbershops, etc.)
In California, personal care services are open indoors in all tiers. However, there are some modifications. For instance, personal care businesses are encouraged to require an appointment and ban walk-ins. No family or additional people are allowed in the business, except for parents or guardians accompanying a minor. Additionally, an extra layer of protection like a face shield or goggles should be worn by workers who cannot maintain six feet distance between themselves and others. Customers should be screened for symptoms on arrival and asked to use hand sanitizer. For the most current information on California's guidance for personal care services, click here and scroll to "personal care services."
Fitness Centers & Gyms
In Tier 1 counties, fitness centers, gyms, and other fitness businesses are open outdoors only. Indoor pools, hot tubs, saunas, and steam rooms are closed. In Tier 2, gyms and fitness centers are open indoors at up to 10% capacity. Indoor pools are allowed to open, but hot tubs, saunas, and steam rooms must remain closed. In Tier 3, indoor capacity is increased to 25%, but hot tubs, saunas, and steam rooms must remain closed. In Tier 4, indoor capacity is increased to 50%, and hot tubs, saunas, and steam rooms can open in addition to swimming pools. For the most current information on California's guidance for fitness businesses, click here and scroll to "gyms and fitness centers."
Movie Theaters and Family Entertainment Centers
In Tier 1, movie theaters and family entertainment centers are open outdoors only. In Tier 2, movie theaters are open for indoor service at the lesser of 100 people and 25%, while family entertainment centers are only open for outdoor services. In Tier 3, movie theaters are open indoors with the lesser of 200 people and 50% capacity. Additionally, in Tier 3 family entertainment centers are open indoors at 25% capacity. In Tier 4, cinemas are open indoors with up to 50% capacity, and family entertainment centers are open for indoor service with modifications. For the most current information on California's guidance for movie theaters and family entertainment businesses, click here and scroll to "movie theaters and family entertainment centers."
Tools for Re-Opening your Business
Now that you know the updated requirements for California businesses, it's time to take steps to help keep a safe environment. We can help! During the pandemic, we began creating PPE and safety tools to assist our customers.
Whether you need face shields, contactless payment solutions, social distancing signage, or more, we have you covered. Click here to browse our selection of PPE and safety supplies. We want to help keep your business safe! Please reach out to us; we're ready to help.
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