A Key Ingredient for a Successful Holiday Season: Gift Cards
by Tyler Shanley on Oct 22, 2019 1:07:50 PM
It can be fun to take a stroll down memory lane and look at the most popular holiday gifts during your childhood. Whether it’s the Furby or Razor Scooter, there’s always a new toy sitting at the top of the list. However, the most popular gift for the past 12 years has been gift cards. If your business needs a secret weapon this holiday season, then …
Preparing your Business for the Holiday Season
by Tyler Shanley on Oct 14, 2019 2:15:00 PM
Have you ever wondered why most retailers put out holiday merchandise in September? For consumers, it can be a little shocking to see Christmas decorations displayed months before the holiday, but for businesses it makes sense. On average, about 40% of consumers begin their holiday shopping before Halloween. Shopping early can be a great way to ful …
Marketing Strategies to Boost your Zoo
by Tyler Shanley on Aug 22, 2019 8:41:31 AM
There's something extraordinary about the zoo. It's an excellent way for children and adults to experience different parts of the world and to learn about animals that they may not see every day. On average, 700 million people visit zoos and aquariums every year, making it one of the most popular family entertainment businesses.
Introducing Writable Gift Cards
by Tyler Shanley on Aug 20, 2019 3:52:39 PM
Innovation is defined as introducing something new and it often fixes a problem. It often provokes one to say, "isn't that a great idea," or "why hasn't anyone thought of that before." At Plastic Printers, innovation is a term that is constantly being brought up in conversations. Innovation drives Plastic Printers to create new products that help i …
Benefits of a Bar Menu & Happy Hour Menu
by Tyler Shanley on Jul 22, 2019 1:37:02 PM
When you go to a restaurant, do you prefer to sit at a table or at the bar? Most of the time, it depends on different factors such as who you're eating with, whether you're planning on drinking, how busy the restaurant is and the atmosphere. Each area shows off the restaurant's different specialties and caters to various types of customers to keep …
Airline Tools & Strategies for Flight Training
by Tyler Shanley on Jun 20, 2019 1:17:12 PM
Would you seek medical treatment from someone without the proper training? Maybe in extreme cases, but daily people go to professionals. When it comes to your health, you want your life in the hands of someone with the preparation and experience necessary to make the best possible decisions. In fact, you probably have the same expectations for ever …
Launch your Trampoline Park with Unique Marketing Tools
by Tyler Shanley on Jun 17, 2019 3:22:37 PM
Growing up in my town, everyone knew which households had a trampoline, and you could usually find a bunch of kids jumping on them. There was something incredibly fun about springing around with friends and unleashing your energy to soar to new heights. Today, if a family doesn't have a trampoline, they have access to different options. One of them …
The Benefits of Plastic Business Cards
by Tyler Shanley on Jun 14, 2019 10:59:03 AM
Innovation was a term coined to describe a new thing or a change made to an existing item. This term has propelled our world forward and changed the way we complete everyday tasks. It has helped propel businesses like Apple, Amazon, and Nike into the giants that they are today. These are companies that are continually re-evaluating their marketing …
Tips for Designing Amazing Clear Business Cards
by Tyler Shanley on Jun 13, 2019 9:25:19 AM
Have you ever seen a trailer for a movie that dazzled you so much that you knew you HAD to see it? Sometimes just getting a little taste of what the film is about is enough to excite you and capture your attention. Another example is free samples at the grocery store; where one bite sells you on a new product. Think of a business card the same way: …
Airline Marketing - Creating an Enjoyable Flying Experience
by Tyler Shanley on May 9, 2019 4:07:19 PM
Do you remember your first flight? Despite being pretty young, I still remember sitting on the plane waiting for takeoff. I was so excited and very nervous for what was about to happen. First, there's that slow crawl when the plane leaves the terminal, and then it gradually gets faster and faster until suddenly you're moving at a rapid speed. And f …