Sarah K

Posts by Sarah K

3 Secrets to Marketing in the Digital Age

Real Estate Business Card, Coaster and Die Cut Key Tag

In a lot of corporate environments, traditional media has been given a long-almost indefinite-funeral procession. While businesses squabble over the fate of print and broadcast outlets; a shift is taking place right under their noses.

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The Secret to Creating a Barcode that Actually Increases Sales

Barcodes. We all know what they are and what they do. Those black lines that carry data about the product you hold in your hands will never change. ...Right? Wrong! Why acquiesce to a boring plain old barcode when you could have a real, workable barcode that is just as creative as the very product it was printed on?

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Plastic VS Paper: The Surprising Truth about Marketing Collateral

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Plastic Printers Template of the Week: Prepare to Scare

Clear Die Cut Mustache Business Cards for Pinnacle Photo Boot

As of today, Halloween is one month away. I don't know about you, but my family relishes the chance to celebrate this ghoulish start to the holiday season. My brother even builds and runs his own haunted house. Over the years, we've all played our roles as semi-professional frighteners.

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How to Create a Viral Marketing Tool with Plastic Business Cards!

If you're looking to create a buzz around your business, anyone can tell you that you need to make your business go "viral". But how exactly does one do that?

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Plastic Printers Template of the Week Reveals the Secret to Success

Black, Pink and Gold Flourish Satin Frosted Business Card

I got together with my sister a few weeks back for a girls night out. This is something we do on a semi-regular basis. It gives us a chance to catch up with each other and inevitably leads to invaluable conversation. This night was no different; it did not disappoint.

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Gift Card Season is Upon Us... Be Prepared with Plastic Printers!

It's that time of year again... no, I'm not talking about when the temperature starts to drop, leaves begin to change color, and pumpkin flavors spring abundant... I'm talking about when businesses start to prepare for those jingle bells and carol music that will be invading your TV sets, malls, stores, and computer screens. Yes, it's time to prepa …

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Template of the Week: 7 Social Graces Everyone should Know

Platinum High Voltage Business Cards

Social media is a powerful tool if you know how to use it properly. Our Facebook business card template can help you make the introduction, but where you go from there is up to you. The next steps you take are the focus of this installment of Plastic Printers template of the week.

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Plastic Printers Presents: Lessons in Promotional Etiquette

How much time do you have to make a professional first impression? On average, people size each other up in about 30 seconds. It doesn't matter if the circle is social or professional; everyone gets the same amount of time. The key is in how you use that time. At Plastic Printers, we want to make sure you use it wisely.

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Plastic Printers Quality: What you can expect from the Competition!

Our first winner of 500 free plastic business cards received his cards a few weeks ago! If you'll remember from our previous post, Steven ordered cards from another company that prints plastic cards but outsources to another country. The card was supposed to feature his signature white couch and his logo with a clear background so you can imagine w …

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