

I am the social media and photo addict from Hastings, MN. I am the Ambassador of Buzz at Plastic Printers, so my job is basically to talk to you awesome people every day and take pretty photos - it's pretty great! Aside from that, my favorite things are dogs, chocolate and Mumford and Sons.

Posts by Sarah

Custom Printed Boy Themed Birth Announcements

A new addition to your family is a very exciting event, and people love to see updates and photos of your new pride and joy. As a new mom, I know that life can take a huge turn and things that you would have had time for before, like creating baby shower invitations and baby announcements, is suddenly on the back burner. One moment you are welcomin …

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Unique Baby Girl Birth Announcements

hello circle baby girl photo birth announcement

We live in an age where social media is prevalent. Many people choose to announce the birth of their new baby on social media. A quick post on social media is fun, but the feeling is lost after the next post comes on the screen. With a plastic printed birth announcement, they can be placed in the home and cherished for years to come.

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8 Unique Quinceañera Invitations

Creating a unique quinceañera invitation can be difficult. There are many companies that offer a few standard designs, but you want something that has been custom designed just for you. One of the benefits to having a full graphic design department, in-house, is that we can completely customize the colors, fonts, and design of your party invitation …

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7 Creative Gender Reveal and Baby Shower Invitations

One of the most exciting things that parents experience is finding out whether they are having a boy or a girl. Thanks to the technology, many parents choose to find out the gender of their baby before it is born. This has lead to an increase in Gender Reveal parties, which have become quite trendy. Many people are even combining their Gender Revea …

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10 Creative Custom Die Cut Cards - Part 2

Since our first installment of the Creative Custom Die Cut Cards series, our team has had valuable conversations with multiple clients. We wanted to know how a custom shaped card would help their business. We were in contact with many different industries such as breweries, DJs and retail stores. All of the people that we contacted were extremely r …

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Innovative Marketing Materials That Are not Business Cards

Keeping your company's name in the forefront of your client's mind is a continious struggle that business owners have to battle. Although we specialize in business cards and gift cards, we have a variety of marketing materials that can help you stand out from your competition.

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Top 10 Frosted Business Cards

When we ask our potential clients what they are looking for in their business cards, one of the first things that we usually hear is that they want it to be unique. Unique can mean many different things depending on who you talk to, so we dig deeper. When people come to Plastic Printers, they are looking for a card that is top of the line and somet …

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10 Creative Custom Die Cut Cards

When it comes to business cards, gift cards, and other marketing materials, you want your business to stand out. One of the most requested items that we offer is custom shapes because we can create something unique to your business. For instance, let's say that your logo is the shape of a giraffe; we can make a custom die cut in the shape of a gira …

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20 Examples of Plastic Business Cards that Impress

Does your business card make an impact? Do people take a second glance when you hand them your card, or do they immediately shove it in their pocket? If they don't take a moment to look at it, it may be time to consider a new business card design.

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Top 10 Business Card Design Trends for 2017

Marketing and design are two things that are continuously evolving. Along with new technology often comes new styles, designs and trends. When was the last time you looked at your business card? Does your card have current information, colors and logo? If not, it is time to start on a new design. This is something that we take to heart, as we recen …

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