

Cole Goebel is a POS Industry insider. He's an expert in encoding and barcode data, and has a great knowledge of POS integrations.

Posts by Cole

ID Badge Security: Hologram, Foil Stamps & Watermarks


How secure are the ID badges you buy? And how secure do you need them to be? Many businesses are adding security features to their ID cards to help increase security in their business and prevent their cards from being duplicated. The technology to make fraudulent ID cards is only becoming more available. So the added security features are a great …

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Access Control through ID Badge Features

Access Pass for Team Global USA Corp with a Scannable Barcode

Access control and admittance are big business these days. Keeping your business secure and monitoring your employees or clients is paramount. So how do you get started, and what do you need?

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Scannable Check-In vs. Access Control

Custom Shape Key Tag with a Barcode - Scannable

Many companies have been putting scannable check-in or access control into their buildings. How does the technology work, and could it benefit you? Let's examine a few ways you can integrate these technologies into your business. The two primary technologies we're talking about are scannable cards and access control.

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Tattoo Business Cards: How to Bring People in the Door

I was recently looking through my plastic business card portfolio, and it's shocking how many tattoo cards I have in my book. This lead me to wonder why I've worked with so many tattoo artists.

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3 Myths About Custom Gift Cards

There are some major misconceptions about custom gift cards. At Plastic Printers, everything we do is custom, and we want you to try it out. The misunderstanding boils down to 3 myths. Let's take a look!

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Photographers Have it Rough...

If you're a photographer, you know what a complicated world you live in. The business is super competitive, and profit margins aren't what they once were. As well as the influx of amateur photographers pawning themselves off as pros.

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Real Estate Business Cards

Plastic Real Estate Business Card

Odds are, that if you've been in the real estate business for a while, you know it's a competitive market. Clients are hard to come by, and easy to lose. So how do you make yourself as memorable as possible?

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Signs you have Outgrown your POS System

5 Major things to look for if you're thinking you have Outgrown your POS system. You're not alone. Many businesses start with a point of sale provider that works great for a small business. Then they find, as they mature and grow, that they have needs the POS can't match.

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Plastic Business Cards, Leaving Paper in the Trash


How many business cards do you hand out in a month? If you're anything like me, the answer is, a lot less than I used to. Back in the early 2000's, I handed out a dozen cards a week. Now, if I hand out a dozen in a month, it's a big month.

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How to Make Gift Cards with 4 Simple Questions

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