How Your Salon or Spa Can Take Advantage of Valentine’s Day
by Tyler Shanley on Jan 30, 2020 10:30:00 AM
The busy winter holiday season is over, and 2020 has begun. The New Year is always full of new opportunities and excitement, and we are so excited to share some new tips and tricks with you. You already know that the winter holiday season is excellent for businesses, holiday sales account for nearly 20% of total retail sales! However, companies can …
How to Guide for Starting a Membership Program
by Tyler Shanley on Jan 2, 2020 10:45:00 AM
How many membership programs are you a part of? It seems like you can’t go into a retail store or restaurant these days without being asked to sign up for a membership program. That’s for a good reason! Big box retailers found out the benefits of membership programs long ago and have been reaping the benefits ever since. But membership programs are …