20 Examples of Plastic Business Cards that Impress
by Sarah on Dec 16, 2016 7:54:00 AM
Does your business card make an impact? Do people take a second glance when you hand them your card, or do they immediately shove it in their pocket? If they don't take a moment to look at it, it may be time to consider a new business card design.
Top 10 Business Card Design Trends for 2017
by Sarah on Dec 13, 2016 8:51:00 AM
Marketing and design are two things that are continuously evolving. Along with new technology often comes new styles, designs and trends. When was the last time you looked at your business card? Does your card have current information, colors and logo? If not, it is time to start on a new design. This is something that we take to heart, as we recen …
20 Uses for Key Tags That Aren’t Rewards Cards
by Sarah on Dec 9, 2016 8:03:00 AM
What is the best way to market your business without investing in full-size cards? Our key tags offer a unique advantage for businesses looking for something a bit smaller with just as much impact. Key tags are often thought of as just rewards cards, but they can have many more uses than you may have even thought of.
Top 10 Creative Fitness Marketing Examples
by Sarah on Dec 6, 2016 8:03:00 AM
With each new year comes hoards of people with great intentions signing up to create a healthier year for themselves. As gyms, yoga studios and fitness clubs continue to grow in popularity, how do you make sure that you connect with these people so that they choose your business over a competitior's?
How to Design a Membership Rewards Card That Customers Want
by Sarah on Dec 2, 2016 8:47:00 AM
Is your membership rewards program floundering, or maybe you don't even have one yet? Companies like American Express, AT&T, and even Marriott offer rewards to their clients. By offering clients an incentive to use your product or service, they are more likely to continue to come to you - and even send people your way. When you start putting to …