The best business cards make an impression twice. When you first hand a card to someone, they'll automatically glance at it before putting the card in a pocket or bag. The second impression comes when they pull your business card out of their bag and decide whether to connect with you or do nothing.

Those looks are important. When someone sees your business card, they'll decide if you're exactly like all the other businesses they're considering—or if you bring something new to the table. In other words, it's time to think beyond the usual cardstock cards to creative materials, colors, transparencies and even custom shapes!
To inspire you, we've collected some of the most unique cards that we've designed for companies ranging from breweries, lawyers, photographers, digital marketing agencies and more. Take a look at our SlideShare presentation below for ideas for how you can make your own business cards stand out.
50 Unique Business Cards
If you'd like to get started creating unique business cards, schedule a free consultation with one of our design experts for ideas customized to your company.