To keep your business cards from getting thrown away, you have to do something to make them stand out from all the other card stock business cards. When you make your business card cool and unique, people feel compelled to keep it in their wallet just so they can show others later - your first impression lasts! So, how can you achieve COOL business cards?

We looked thru hundreds of business cards a day, and the answer for us is simple: You just need something unique that stands out! Luckily, we are experts at helping you achieve this with custom designs, unique die cut shapes, or even clear business cards or frosted elements.

But even though we look at business cards all day, there are still some that really catch our attention as being cool and different from the rest. That's why we gathered together some of our favorite business card designs for you to check out and pull inspiration from. From unique shapes to cards that function as coasters, to clear business cards and even cards with custom artwork, these cool business cards all deserve a second look.

Take a look through our SlideShare, and let us know your favorites in the comments section.

Want Cool Business Cards of Your Own?

If you'd like to get started on designing your own eye-catching business cards, set-up a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our business card experts today.

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