Plastic business card printing may seem like an industry leap, and in some ways it is, but it is also not the first evolution the business card has gone through. To see the very first version, you’d have to travel back in time to 15th century China or 17th century France, depending on who you ask. That’s just one of the stops we’ll be making today as we trace the business card back to its royal beginnings.
Business Cards: The Highlight Reel

Visiting cards were much smaller than today's business cards, but there was much less information to squeeze in there!
Where were we? That’s right; royalty in 17th century France. They may not have been called business cards back then, but the idea had certainly begun:
- Royalty and members of the court would receive “visiting cards” to tell them information about a guest they would be meeting with. These cards were much smaller than the ones we use today.
- Have you ever wondered where the term trading card or calling card came from? The answer to that question is in the next point on our timeline. It turns out you can thank the British for that invention. English merchants used to use the cards as advertisements called trade cards. These were distinguished from calling cards because trade cards were used for professional purposes and calling cards for personal matters.
- Trade cards were large wooden signs with copperplate lettering. Calling cards were smaller. Color printing first became available in the 18th century with the invention of the lithograph.
- By the 20th century, we began printing cards in an array of sizes colors and styles. It seemed only natural to add plastic business card printing to the list. Over the last 20+ years Plastic Printers has become an expert in printing on plastic. Contact us today to find out what this versatile material is capable of.
Where will the business card go next? All signs point to mobile. Luckily, our tech-savvy designers can help you break into that market too. Ask our staff to incorporate a QR Code on the back of your business card and your off and running!
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