Give cards typically fly off the shelves, and you card needs to be the one that get picked up first. Design is a major contributing factor for helping your card get off the shelf, and there are plenty of design options to choose from. We are here to help you design the perfect gift card for your brand, and help you consider those design choices to bolster your sales.
Most gift cards keep a uniform size; the standard is 3.375“ x 2.125” and .03 inches thick. This size is the same as a credit card, and will easily fit inside a wallet. Custom shapes that fit your brand can be one of the premiere ways to help your gift cards fly off the shelves as well. You can explore some of those possibilities here.
Choosing a finish can help elevate your card’s presentation. Depending on what impression you’re trying to leave, there is a type of finish for you. The can add to your card, or compliment your brand. UV Coating, Foil, Soft-Touch, there are many to choose from, and each can help in a different way.
Your gift card can work with whatever Point-of-Sale service you could need. The back of your card could come complete with a magnetic stripe, a barcode, human readable numbers, or face value cards, whatever you need at your register.
You can choose from a variety of types of construction, from material to built in technology, like a QR Code or NFC. This could also add a little flair to your gift card, since most gift cards are plastic, you can utilize common plastic designs, like pop-out cards or breakaways.
The gift cards and gift card envelopes were absolutely a smart investment. We are extremely excited to offer them to clients because we love them and they look awesome!
Breathe Easy