Business cards are the social currency we work with every day. Be it a car dealership, bookstore, consignment shop, or office supplier; we don't need a lot of visual cues to understand what's being sold to us.
In this Plastic Printers template of the week installment I'd like to look at the flip side of that exchange and dedicate this post to those of us who have a stock and trade in intellectual property.
The Business of Ideas
Business is full of creative thinkers, but there's a difference between being a creative thinker and making a living creatively. It's something that takes continuous work and something that can get easily misread from the outside looking in.
Creative individuals have to reign in their entrepreneurial spirit and focus it on honing a craft. Once that craft has been refined, some would say, the real work begins. The work of selling other people on an idea.
The work of marketing yourself. The work of offering a unique skill set that businesses may not even know they need.
Who are these trailblazers?
They are:
If you are in one of these professions or make a living creatively, you need a business card that not only tells people what you do and who you are, but also illustrates what it is you do.
Making the Intangible, Tangible
The business world may be tough, but the creative world is even tougher. People have a lot of misconceptions and incorrect assumptions about what you do, why you do it, and how much work it actually takes to do.
One of the main assumptions is that making a living from a creative pursuit is more of a "lifestyle" than a career. Make no mistake, if you're serious about making a living off of what you create, it is a career. It is hard work.
The first step in building a client base. The question is how do you do that if no one will take you seriously? Believe it or not, it can all start with a creative business card.
Task #1: Think graphically. Graphics differentiate your business from others like it, but they also can communicate what words can't. When trying to sell an idea, use the full range of what you have at your disposal. From wallpaper-sized graphics to logos take full advantage of your creativity and select something that visually identifies your product or service.
Task #2: Pick a category. For example, you're a writer. Well, there are a lot of different types of writers. Are you a freelance writer, copy writer, novelist, journalist, speechwriter, or content marketer? It's important to pick a professional category because that category will dictate the style of the creative business card.
If you are a novelist, your card might be more colorful, concept-based, and even whimsical. However, as a journalist, you want to stick to a more technically accurate, professional appearance. See the difference?
Create a Niche
Task #3: What's my motivation? Choosing to make a living from an artistic skill set means that you’re naturally motivated by what you do. That energy and motivation needs to come across in your creative business card design.
Keep in mind; not very many people may be that familiar with what it is you do. This is your chance to make a memorable introduction, not only on an individual level, but also on an industrial one. You may be breaking new ground in a market other people didn't realize was there.
Choose a business card design that is motivational, positive, and upbeat. Don't be afraid to show a little bit of your fun side as well as your professional one. Your fun side may have driven you to do this in the first place; don't do yourself a disservice by ignoring it.
Whatever you do, make sure it leaves the recipient of your card with a positive association. That way, you are building a good reputation for yourself as well as the industry you're a part of.
Task #4: Be an inspiration. This is something creative people know how to do and love doing, so why not let your creative business card do the talking?
As you network, encourage people to develop their own ideas and inspire them to pass the passion on. Whether they have renewed energy for their day job or want to take a page from your book and develop a hobby into a business; past inspiration on and you will always leave them with a memorable first impression.
At Plastic Printers, we help individuals and businesses develop their ideas all the time. If you're ready to make your dream work for you, we can help. Download a free template design for a creative business card you customize yourself. The templates are available on our website All you have to do is choose the design you want, add in some details, and hit print.
If you need help or you're ready to upgrade your creative design; contact us or chat with us today. We can co-create a custom designed die-cut business card that speaks to the heart and soul of your business. We believe in your dreams as much as you do. Let us help you realize them.
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