Earlier this month we started a contest that gave the opportunity to business owners, bloggers, and entrepreneurs alike to win some free swag from us here at Plastic Printers!
As part of our contest, entrants had a chance to win 500 free premium business cards for anyone who posted up a blog entry about how our plastic business cards could help their business, their marketing, or make a better first impression with their clients.
We got many entries, but of course there can only be one winner. Luckily, we'll be holding this contest once a month so there's more opportunities for you to win! The best part is that once you enter, as long as your post remains on your website you remain in the running until you win!
July 2013 Free Plastic Business Card Winner
Let's get on to the announcement of our first winner! Congratulations to Steven from Walls Gone Wild!
With Plastic Printers we use a state-of-the-art opaque blocker on our cards to keep those colors from bleeding through so whites stay white!In his blog post titled "You Get What You Pay For...", Steven talks about how he ordered some plastic cards for his business from Asia because they were cheap and seemed affordable.. little did he know that the quality of these cards were far more disappointing than exciting and his signature white couch and logo was so transparent it was difficult to read! The money he "saved" resulted in cards that can't be passed out! As his blog post title says, you get what you pay for!
Steven, we think you'll be 100% satisfied with the cards you'll be receiving from us here at PlasticPrinters.com!
Want To Win 500 Free Plastic Business Cards?
We're giving away 500 free business cards once a month, and winning your next set of plastic business cards is simple! Simply write up a short post on your blog or tumblr outlining how a set of premium plastic business cards could help your business, link to our site, and submit it via the link below.